Is corruption inevitable?

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Welcome to LSE's award-winning podcast, LSE IQ, where we ask leading social scientists - and other experts - to answer an intelligent question about economics, politics or society.

Speaker(s): Michael Muthukrishna, Sandra Sequeira and Jonathan Weigel

Bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism – corruption comes in many forms, with varying levels of legality, it costs countries trillions of dollars per year and causes great damage to a nation’s economic prosperity and reputation. Yet despite regular pledges of governments around the world to combat it, corruption still flourishes. Exploring the question, ‘Is corruption inevitable?’, Jess Winterstein talks to Michael Muthukrishna, Sandra Sequeira and Jonathan Weigel

Corrupting cooperation and how anti-corruption strategies may backfire by Michael Muthukrishna, Patrick Francois, Shayan Pourahmadi and Joseph Henrich

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The first guy is really insufferable. He's passing off the presumption of neoliberalism as if it's presumed true and then tries to shoehorn observations into it through circuitous explanations that remind me of ptolemic astronomy. If you toss out the "everyone is naturally a greedy self interested prick" everything can be trivially explained. He needs to go


It's a dog eat dog world. Next time sex seduces you, DON'T DO IT!! 🖤🖤🖤
