How To Make Octoling AMAZING For Smash 6

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Octoling is currently one of the most requested newcomers to the next Smash game and I believe could be a very distinct character from Inkling, here's some ideas I have for their move set.

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Music List:
Battle Torna - (SSBU)
Wagon Wheels March - (SSBU)
Ground Theme SMB2 - (SSBU)
Norfair - (SSBU)
Battle Torna - (SSBU)
Megaman 2 Medly - (SSBU)
Theme of Solid Snake - (SSBU)
Xenoblade Chronicals Medley - (SSBU)
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Chara making a smash video is… unusual


I feel like NOT having OCTObrush appear at all in their moveset is a bit of missed opportunity, especially since they've been depicted using it a fair amount too


I see a lot of people that would say "there's not enough colours" so here's my idea. Each inkling gets a base colour and backups. If there is another inkling with that colour, then they use a random backup.


I would LOVE an Octoling that uses all the currently unrepresented weapon classes, specifically I like the idea of an Undercover Brella shield you could shoot from, at the expense of only having one shield direction (regular shield would be Vbrella just held forwards towards the camera and would work as normal)


thank you for not settling on making them an echo!! splatoon is way too big for octoling to be just another inkling, and this moveset is a really good example!


An idea that I personally like is having Octoling use stronger weapons compared to Inkling, allowed for more kill power compared to their Squid counterparts. Some potential ideas would be using 96 Gal for Neutral Special, Tenta Brella for Side Special, and yeah I really like the idea of using a Dynamo for airials!


Octoling’s up b should have been Pearl drone


Octoling is honestly the safest bet for the next Smash game besides Ring Fit Trainee (Smash has a bias towards successful new EPD IPs & RFA sold like hotcakes) & the obligatory new Pokémon (we know for a fact that they leave a placeholder for one). And considering how big Splatoon has become in recent years, I genuinely can’t see Octoling being an echo unless there’s another unique Splatoon character on the way (Ex: Marina w/ Pearl Drone).


2:25 joker actually has a similar attack with gun, since he can also use dodgeroll with it


I'd rather have Agent 8 specifically rather than generic octolings. It would give them a little more distinction.


Octoling I think is one of the likeliest newcomers for the next Smash, and they have enough tools to be unique (maybe only sharing Inkling's gimmick or a variation of it.)


A YouTuber named Dezethin made a fun concept for Octoling that I would recommend.

One thing I will say is that I think the Order weapons should be relegated to one or two of the possible costumes rather than as the default.

Or even two characters, one being just an Octoling and the other being Side Order 8 with the DLC being as different as it is compared to standard Splatoon.


Up special could have also been inkjet since it was more prominently featured in Octo Expansion
It probably wouldn’t have the gun, just rise the player into the air like King K Rool’s up special


OE's Test Complete jingle is the right length for a victory fanfare


I’d love them to make inklings and octolings a lot like how fox and the links work. With each variant working slightly differently.

Say the octolings use a dynamo and rolls much slower, they use a octobrush for F-Smash, they’d have charger for a neutral rather than a S-Shot. And so on


A cool idea for a cinematic final smash would be a splashdown just being the the way to activate the it, and then whoever got caught by it could be sent to the final smash animation where the octoling picks up an ultra signal and pearl shows up with the huge killer wail
Or maybe they get hit by mr grizz's furmaggedon or something
Theres plenty of epic scenes to take inspiration from in splatoon 2 and 3


I was actually discussing this a while back with some Tropers, and actually this works very well! Imagine if there's an Octoling Skin based off your usual clothing!


I love concept ideas for octoling especially in smash and seeing a high level comp Splatoon player's thoughts is super cool. Keep up the good work Chara :3


I definitely want octolings in Mario Kart. As a massive Splatoon fan, I always play as an inkling in Mario Kart, but I'd rather play an octoling.


7:45 It would be pretty cool if Octoling did a dash > pivot > jump they just got super armour though. A bit like Yoshi's double jump armour but more situational
