Irelia's Rework: When Riot Went TOO Far | League of Legends

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Reworks for the most part have been received pretty well in the past. Everyone was excited about how Riot would take outdated, terribly designed champions and update them to fit the more modern standard of the game. Irelia would be the first that would make the community second guess if the new version was really an improvement over the old one. So today's episode of the Rework Retrospective series we're gonna go over Irelia: The Blade Dancer

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#LoL #Irelia #Rework
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This guy is the king of making stupid silver takes.


"Balance be damned. Wipe them out!"
Ah yes, even Irelia understands the experience of trying to 1v1 an Irelia with bork


" I believe for most of you ionians there is peace and perhaps even more after the smoke clears, allthough for one of you, the darkest pits of hell have opened to swallow you whole, so dont keep the devil waiting old friend"- Swain


Irelia is a champion that was honestly given TOO much freedom to outplay, she honestly doesn't even feel like a moba champion, more like something you would see in a fighting game. She has everything, so if you master her you're basically unstoppable


I love Irelia

As a character in the lore. She’s a nightmare in the game


one does not simply "outplay" Irelia. She will either outplay you or outplay herself.


I believe they should put more emphasis on actually resetting her abilities instead of giving her so much outplay potential only to make her powerful enough by just autoattacking


Honestly, sometimes I miss old Irelia. There was somethign really satisfying about intentionally letting your hp go lower than your enemy's then stunning and melting them with hitten style. It was degenerate ye, but also very fun. New Irelia is just obnoxious to deal with, even after they removed several things from her kit.


I remember playing old Mordekaiser when Irelia rework was released (and she had disarm). I dont know who created disarm, but it was the most unfun thing imaginable. When your entire damage is depending on 3 autoattacks and champion disarms you, not only you cant autoattack, but also the buff drops and you were screwed.
I know maybe some people miss her disarm on ult but for autoattack depending champions and adcs it was straight up bs since in many cases, you had no choice but to get it or she hits someone near you and you were disarmed instantly.


Irelia went too far? In the right circumstances. Yes. Yes she did.
By tower diving me at my second turret.


"Every time she attacks she heals. This kind of sustain was risky to give to a champion like her."

*looks at current season*

Yeah, I could never have imagined.


Remember when the current irelia could disarm enemies with her ult ?


I remember her reworks release, I was astonished by her voice lines, I thought they were written beautifully and fit her lore and personality, but now I hate it, cause it reminds me of her infinite dashes.


I still miss old Irelia tbh. But I recognize why she was unhealthy.

Her E might as well be a guaranteed stun because better players would always hold it until their health got lower.

That meant if you couldn't take a Stun + True Damage front loaded damage from her you had 0 options to play vs her.

She was, to me, the ultimate stat check because her kit was incredibly consistent and extremely hard to out-stat mid game.


my main qualms with her is her stupid sustain, the amount of healing she does, just because her dash heals her, which does on-hit, making healing/life-stealing items just that much bigger
in terms making her tankier than most tanks/bruisers, while still dealing faq tons of dmg. . .
like dude, Rito could remove her dash heal, and it would make her less busted, but they wont of course


In another words: Irelia was an balance nightmare, so they reworked her so she could become another balance nightmare.


It always returns to Yone. Riots "Masterpiece".

But while watching this, I kinda realise that they turned old Irelia from a good stat-checky 1v5 diver into a literal overpowered champion who instantly got nered multiple times, a meme (nerf Irelia) and the only champion who actually counters Yone.


Man i love it when i open youtube and there sits a new vars vid discussing stuff i might or might not agree with but geniually enjoy listening to. Its always good to hear a few takes from the more experienced


From a personal stand point as someone who's played irelia because before her rework, I thin her kit was mostly fine. There were things I certainly would have changed like remove the point and click stun to like a version of what it is now, which would dramatically make her have more skill expressions, while not overturning her kit with a almost entirely ground up rework.


I'd love to see a gamemode where all old champions would become available as well as their new counterparts
