07 - Angelic Music - Archangel Uriel

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07 - Angelic Music - Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel is one of the wisest archangels and will assist you with brilliant new ideas entering your mind.

Hope you will like a new video I put on my composer channel:

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The Archangel Uriel is one of the seven Archangels that stand at the throne of the God Creator and one of the four major Archangels that serve humanity. Uriel rules the mental plane, our thoughts and ideas, creativity, insights, judgment, magic, alchemy, astrology, universal consciousness, divine order, the distribution of power, the cosmic universal flow and the Earth's environment. Uriel is humanity's link to the spiritual realms and he can show us how to find our inner power through a process that will help each individual Shift in consciousness and therefore accelerate the entire human kingdom's shift into higher realms of consciousness.

As the Archangel of Salvation, Uriel can show us how to heal every aspect of lives, turning disappointments into victories, find blessings in adversity, and release the painful burdens and memories of the past through the application of unconditional forgiveness. Uriel uses his flaming sword to purify mental and emotional understanding and transmute lower vibrational energies into enlightened spiritual understanding.

Uriel brings the power of unconditional forgiveness to humanity as the key to transcending the Shift entering the Kingdom of the Creator, the higher realms of energetic vibration and consciousness. He is releasing his message at this time because humanity has indicated, through its willingness to embrace the Shift in Consciousness, that it is ready to listen, act and transcend the human experience. While he stands at the gate of the Garden of Eden with his flaming sword, to deny entry to those who have forgotten how to love the Creator God, he also holds out the key to entry, the application of Unconditional Forgiveness to every area of our lives.

Uriel is one of the most powerful Archangels and is associated with the unimaginable light of God which gives you illumination.

He brings divine light into your life as he transforms painful memories and restores peace to your past.

He is traditionally also considered the Angel of the Earth. He is the keeper of the mysteries which are deep within the planet, underground and in the hidden depths of the living world. Therefore Uriel is the patron or Ecology, the science of the whole Earth and the inter-relationship of all life upon it.

Listening to music can have a tremendously relaxing effect on our minds and bodies, especially slow, quiet, classical, meditation music. This type of music can have a beneficial effect on our physiological functions, slowing the pulse and heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and decreasing the levels of stress hormones.

WellBeingAcademy is innovative in Relaxing & Meditation Music, Study Music, Healing Music, Reiki Music, Zen Music, and Nature Music.

Listening to instrumental music at specific times of the day has been shown to be helpful in maintaining good health (both physical and spiritual). We compose instrumental music that is specially designed to encourage and enhance relaxation, meditation, brain function, focus and concentration and body&mind healing music therapy. In addition, we use binaural sounds to naturally achieve a state of relaxation which is perfect for concentration, meditation or deep sleep. This music is perfect for all kind of meditation and relaxation. Our music videos use light, beautiful, calming sounds (some with sounds of nature), that leave you feeling relaxed and refreshed.

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07 - Angelic Music - Archangel Uriel

Please watch: "🕊️ Archangel Uriel's Wisdom ☯ 077"
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¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de este video musical? ¿Cómo te sientes al escuchar música?
What do you like the most in this music video? How do you feel while listening to music?


If you see this comment, I want to thank you for living with me on the same planet. You are not alone in this world. I hope this comment can make at least one person a little bit happy. This is all I want and wish good health to you❤️️❤️️❤️️


“God and Archangel Uriel, thank you for guiding me, helping me, and blessing me with all the good things in life.” “I see things happening for a reason. Archangel Uriel, please help me shift my thoughts and feelings for gratitude.” “Archangel Uriel, guide me all throughout the day to fulfill my purpose in life.”


*Hola a todos...✋ Que lindo es creer en Dios el te protege sí crees en Dios regálame un dedito arriba👍 no te obligo ay solo puedo ver que creemos en Dios no te cuesta darle un dedo arriba👍 menos te cuesta alabar a Dios porque para alabar a Dios no cuesta nada!!!*


Mi amado arcángel Uriel acompáñame hoy y siempre con tú llama oro rubí té amo y te bendigo amén 🙏🙏🙏


Thank you Archangel Uriel, my guardian angel, always there when I needed that wisdom and love, I am blessed...;))


Amado Arcángel Uriel, te damos gracias y envuélvenos en tu Llama Oro Rubí.
Muchas gracias por estos bellos trabajos y tan bella música.


Mi arcángel Uriel, desde que hago su oración y escucho su música, mi vida ha cambiado.. tenía una situación económica muy difícil y el me ha librado de todas mis deudas y trabajo no me ha faltado y sobre todo me has acercado más a Dios... haciendo que lo imposible sea posible.. su melodía me llena de PAZ...


Gracias mi Amado arcangel Uriel por escucharme y ayudarme a vibrar con tu energia oro Rubio dandome la armonia espiritual, el amor y la abundancia a mi negocio y a todo mi familia te agradesco infinitamente y a mi señor Jesucrito Amen 🙏 😇🕯⛪💰🙌


Hola a todos... Te recomiendo todas los días estás lindas alabanzas cree en Dios si cree en la persona que te está guiando dame un dedo arriba 👍 no te obligo solo quiero ver cuánto de nosotros alabamos a Nuestro




muchas Gracias mi Arcángel Uriel 😇 bendito Seas por Siempré ❣️✝️🕊️✨🕯️🙏🏻 amén cuídame y proteje a toda mi familia amén 🙏🏻❤️


Archangel Uriel please help my brother, mother, aunt, and my family to be protected and watched over to get help financially to eat and live. Please help us find peace of mind in our financial situation, amen.


Graciasw Arcangel Uriel, supe de ti practicamente hace 5 dias, pero creo que ya tu me habias visitado hace muchos años y tambien a mi esposa. Danos la prosperidad espiritual y financiera para ayudar a otros y salir tambien de nuestras deudas, Dios nos dijo que no debieramos nada a nadie, debo pagar lo que debo y ser solvente para hacer obras que produzcan dinero para ayudar a cientos y cientos de hermanos necesitados. Gracia Dios por enviarnos al arcangel Uriel y a Jesus Cristo.


Gracias gracias gracias arcangel Uriel intersede por mi familia y por mí y por todas las personas que están viviendo una situación económica difícil 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Gracias arcangel Uriel tú eras el arcángel de mi esposo espero que desde el cielo nos cuide ayúdame arcangel dame paz y bienestar para poder salir de esta tristeza ayudame


Gratidão Arcanjo Uriel por me proteger e me dar força. Não só a mim como a toda minha família.
Que vós possa me dar sabedoria na tomada de decisões em minha vida.
Gratidão querido Arcanjo Uriel 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🙏🏽


Gracias nuestro hermoso arcángel Uriel por tu amor, por envolvernos en tu rayo oro rubí y enseñarnos a tener gratitud y valorar todo lo que tenemos, gracias por ser suministro y abundancia en nuestras vidas, gracias gracias gracias 😍😍😍


Muzika juaj qetson shpirtin 🙏✝️💟🛐 Faleminderit ❤🛐🛐 Unë jam besimtare me shpirt e dua Zotin në emrin e tij të shënjtë Jezu Krisht lutem, 🛐 përulem


Mil bendiciones que notas tan hermosas, es un aliciente para el espíritu nos relaja y sentimos la presencia de este ser maravilloso el Arcángel Uriel gracias gracias gracias te amo ❤❤❤
