Get Perfect Skin Tone EVERY Time! - Resolve DCTL Tutorial

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This tool has just changed EVERYTHING for me - 18 years as a PRO Colourist and this new tool is Amazing. 10% DISCOUNT - See a REAL Job in Action in this DaVinci Resolve Tutorial. English subtitles have been personally checked for accuracy.


✅Watch the @Beardmeatsfood Christmas Music Video I graded here (Thanks to Josh Gudgeon, Adam, Sister Beard and all the team @getyourmedia

✅Watch my Perfect Node Tree episode here

✅Watch my How to Use the Scopes episode here



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#skintone #davinciresolvetutorial #colorgrading
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Something I was spending a lot of time trying to master and now thanks to you, and Mono Node, Its so much easier and takes way less time!
Finally I have consistent skin tones with no fuss.
Thanks again for you time putting these tutorials together. Best on Youtube.


Darren Mostyn, is a big gift for all of us. I've learned so much from him and all that in a such short time. No colorist is teaching like you're doing it.Thanks for all the info.


Nice tool ! Thanks Darren and of course thanks to Stefan for developing the tool.

I prefer to work in Davinci YRGB Color Managed with the timeline color space Davinci WG/Intermediate so I made a compound node in the timeline-grade (CST input timeline color space & gamma to Rec 709 > DCTL skintone > CST Rec 709 to timeline color space & gamma output). In this way it's easy to toggle on/off and to use it with other final output color spaces.


This tool looks DOPE. Seems perfect for grading YouTube videos in a timely manner. Might have to cop.


I'm new to davinci and I wanted to say thank you to you Darren for not doing 4hr videos on learning, but keeping it into bite size chunks with no nonsense.
So far the videos I have watched you do are super useful and enjoyable to watch. More so when you were the one that actually did the colour no the video here with Adam that i had watched previously. Really cool to see you work this sort of real content and share it. I'm sure you have a LOT under your belt already after 18 years.
Thank you Darren, good channel and good watching you.


Hi Darren, thanks so much for highlighting this tool! What a fantastic find, and a bargain too. Installed it straight away - no more masking round faces, hands etc to sample the colour; wonderful! Cheers


Thank you for this.. I immediately went to check on my last project. Most clips were good, and some was way off, and you can see problematic ones from hole project in few seconds... I love it, best 50€ ever spent :)


Been binging on your channel lately. Thanks for all the great content!


I've been putting off buying this tool because I'm a nerd and like to learn things for myself before I use any kind of got so sick of skin tones I broke down and bought it today and I feel like an idiot for wasting so much time trying to get my skin tones right without it. Thanks for doing this video


I’ve been using this tool for about 3 months and it’s been a game changer for me, as white balance, especially with skin tones, always does my head in. When I get the skin all yellow or as close to yellow as possible - perfect yellow is impossible in mixed lighting - I quickly scroll through the clip to ensure skin tones are optimal throughout.

For ease and convenience, I use the exposure heat map as well. I set up separate nodes for checking skin tones and exposure.


I can’t wait for this to start. You can never learn enough about how to get good skin tones.


I started with his "Color Shift" DCTL after seeing your video on it. I got results I've never been able to achieve. I "cried once" and bought it. 
Curious to see what else his other DCTLs could do after being so impressed, I played with this one to try to fix a challenging skin tone situation in a multicam shoot. I got it to a great place easily, but the shadows still had magenta. I tried the demo of "Hue Twist" and easily got the shadows to be perfect. I was sold.
The DCTLs are a bit on the expensive side, but I'm so happy to have them in my power nodes ready to be enabled when needed.


Amazing tool. Thanks for finding and sharing.


Bought it. !!!! Cant wait to throw in a nice reference footage, put the tools into timeline node and match what I like about it!


Hi Darren, i'm following your tutorials for a very long time and i'm always very very surprised how you are able to manage those tutorials : explaining some complex things with very few and simple words. You're damn good to make those things clear and accessible, even for a french ! When i look at your videos, i know i wont enter into Bermudes's Triangle but on something which a has been polished and cleaned to be very understable for everyone. Hats off and Bravo as we say in French !


This is an awesome tool indeed, speeds up the skin neutral work for sure. Definitely adds to the confidence of actually utilizing it on our projects when Darren is recommending, thank you for the pro tip !


I bought this a few weeks ago and I cant stop using it. Totally worth while investment.


Thanks master again. You are awesome as always. Another useful tool! Cheers


I discovered this tool a few months ago and strongly agree with Darren that it’s a game changer. At the time I was grading a documentary scene with mixed light sources. With the Balance dctl I was able to navigate this messy situation with greater confidence and control. For a few shots where the face highlights were magenta and the shadows were green, I used the Mononodes Hue Twist dctl to spread the yellow further into those areas. Thank you Stephan for making dctls that make the grade go faster, and thank you, Darren, for your great videos.


I’ve been using this tool since it came out 3 months ago & it’s been a game changer & it has saved me so much time! 🥰👍🤗🙏
