Sin/Cos encoder with Teensy 4.0 hardware quadrature decoders

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Discussion first, movement commences at 1:20
This is a demonstration of how to feed the hardware quadrature decoders on the Teensy 4.0 with a Sin/Cos analog differential encoder signal.
I am using a Renishaw RGH24B Sin/Cos encoder embedded in a Parker MX80L linear motor stage to test.
There are two projects I am planning to use this for.
- First, an update to my Sin/Cos and Incremental Quadrature Encoder Tester
- Second, a more generic version of the "HP5508A interferometer display" replacement that can also accept homodyne interferometer inputs.
This is a demonstration of how to feed the hardware quadrature decoders on the Teensy 4.0 with a Sin/Cos analog differential encoder signal.
I am using a Renishaw RGH24B Sin/Cos encoder embedded in a Parker MX80L linear motor stage to test.
There are two projects I am planning to use this for.
- First, an update to my Sin/Cos and Incremental Quadrature Encoder Tester
- Second, a more generic version of the "HP5508A interferometer display" replacement that can also accept homodyne interferometer inputs.
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