The Disturbing Reason You Should Quit Video Games

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Why I had to quit video games...

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This video is primarily talking about video game addiction.
Balance is important! :)
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I don't understand how this works, because I play video games a lot and feel absolutely no different when I take a walk.


I don't really get the hate towards this video. Video games are DESIGNED to be addictive, therefore it makes sense that you would get a lot of dopamine from them. Personally, my life has improved a lot since i quit gaming and I'm really able to enjoy the little things in life.


The way you presented this is misleading. You can go out and enjoy all the little things and also enjoy playing games. The issue only pops up when you are playing for 5, 6, 7 hours a day. If you know how to control yourself then video games aren't an issue. I think you definitely could have got this across a lot better.


This previous summer, I started playing games less and started focusing on my own entertainment and I’ve stopped playing games as much overall. I used to ride my bike every day, but I don’t much anymore, I don’t sit outside, I don’t do much in general. I want to get into exercising and getting into shape but I never have. I feel like I just need to get rid of my video games and start focusing on only myself


Hey, I mean at least there's real reasons. And imo, it helps u focus on school like me. A Grade 7 Student on Philippines. Thanks for the video. :)


This is so true, playing games 24 by 7 is like escapism from reality to me.


I mean video games aren’t really bad so long it doesn’t consume your life. You can feel accomplished in life by doing work irl and doing some big thing in a video game.
Hell I definitely ain’t quitting now that I have found a woman who also loves playing games


For me personally i don't play video games for the dopamine and doubt i've goten any, just playing video games to play w my friends that live very far away idk if this makes sense haha


Bro your videos are awesome. Informativ and well edited. Thumbnails are also high tier and your camera's quality is great. I was shocked when I saw u only have 2, 2k subs (now u have 1 more : ] ). One thing that i think you should work on is making the videos longer, almost all of them are under 10minutes long and i think it may negativly affect the YT algorithm looking at how many u made and how few vievs you got. Imo u should try diffrent things, maybe longer videos, maybe cut some parts into YT shorts cause it may help to attract attention to your chanel. Good luck and i hope u see it.


I don’t think it’s necessarily bad to play Video games every once in a while, but if you play 24/7 and do nothing else everyday, then that’s where there’s a problem. As a teen you have so much free time, and you can be productive in it, I play basketball and I spend about an hour or more practicing every day. Not only do I work out my basketball skill, I work out my body and it’s good exercise. But after a long week of school, it’s nice to relax and enjoy some games with friends on Friday nights. But there are limits. And if your an adult…. There are WAYYY more important things to be concerned with.


I think I’m in the minority in that it ain’t that deep. Videos games are just play. The problem is an adult who plays as often and in the same ways as a child never learns anything and never gets anything done.

That’s it. All this bro science about dopamine is half correct, but there’s more to it.

So don’t overthink it. Just ask yourself if being a spoiled manchild whose entire priority is playing games has a deleterious effect on your life


I thought the same thing at your age. Quit for a decade plus... turns out I was totally wrong. Started playing minecraft with my kids. Turns out it had nothing to do with video games and everything to do with perception and moderation. Bit I am old and dumb and nobody likes me. Good video though and likely very sound advice to almost everyone who watches it. I also have 0 regrets about quitting and had I carried on maybe everything would have panned out different and quitting was what saved my life. Thanks for sharing.


I quit gaming a few days ago and can 100% confirm you enjoy life more without. Plus you’re not owned by something. A lot more free time to do something that actually matters.


I really agree with you but video games make me happy and helps me connect with other people.But besides that you did a really good job.


What if you play video games to make your income


This sounds like it's more about you than something inherent to games...


Great video man, just quit video games myself and this is reassuring. Really like your approach


i've been playing games since i was 5 or 6 years old, at the time of writing this i'm 15, and i don't and never have had this issue personally. i think it boils down to self-regualtion, moderating activities, and how easy it is for some people to get addicted to things like video games. i wish he said something in the first half about this and it bugs me that he didn't cause it makes it seem like this is a universal experience. i love walking around or running and i do them daily cause of how much enjoyment i get from them, and i work out semi regularly cause school takes up so much of my life. I might be over-thinking it but still, it's hard to deny that it sounds like a blanket statement. I give him the benefit of the doubt though and assume he didn't mean for it to sound like that, and i hope he didn't because if he did then that's really destructive and self-centered. Video games have always been my escape from reality for a bit and if someone who needs that escape comes across this video and then drops it, that'll end terribly.


im hoping to get a direct drive wheel for 100% realistic steering force feedback which is the only type of gaming that is good for people
