Trabajadores pierden pieza vital en el océano: ¿Qué harán?

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Trabajadores pierden pieza vital en el océano: ¿Qué harán?
Un grupo de trabajadores está debajo de un barco, tratando de retirar las propelas. De repente, la tuerca maestra se cae al mar. ¿Podrán recuperar la pieza perdida antes de que sea demasiado tarde?

ship's propeller
ship propeller spinning underwater
ship propeller shaft working animation
ship propeller underwater starting
ship propeller underwater
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ship propeller sound
ship propeller spinning
ship propeller in action
ship propeller test
ship propeller full speed underwater
propela de barco
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como fazer uma helice de barco caseiro

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Video Recorded in Different Locations in China
**All rights and credits belong to their respective owners**
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Videos Created for Public Entertainment Purposes.
Job Othoniel is the world's number one source for Asian and Worldwide Content
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Job Othoniel is based in Mexico.

Рекомендации по теме

Mi pregunta es porque cuando estan sacando la propela no esta asegurada
