This is How I Memorized 98% of Everything in Medical School

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🚀 Timestamps:
0:00 Intro
2:23 First Technique
7:03 Second Technique
13:14 Third Technique

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Who is studying how to study rather than actually studying


1/ Study with "why", actively answer the question
2/ Remember and understand the general, topic instead going to detail
3/ Learn outside the box, connect the knowledge in a different field, subject


During my m1 year, we were asked a question to pick out a blood vessel that we should palpate to feel out a pulse for a reason I do not recall. We were given a few different choices. I saw one artery and 4 different vessels. I reasoned that the artery must be given priority if our goal is to attempt to feel a pulse. I got it right. 4 of my groupmates did not. They asked me how I got the answer correct and when I explained my reasoning, they wrote it off. One girl then said loudly, “he doesn’t want to share where he got his answer.” Coming from a math and finance background, that’s when I learned that some people in medicine are great at memorizing but are mediocre (at best) at reasoning.

Lactic acidosis is caused because it leads to anaerobic resporation since metformin blocks gluconeogenesis in the liver.


I totally agree with you. I am an old-school type of learner where I don't use techniques like picmonics because that is just a silly and shallow way of memorizing details. Instead, I use Chat GPT extensively to ask a lot of "why" questions, and I find that sometimes the most simple questions have the most interesting answers that really makes sense (i.e. the term biliverdin is named so because the substance produce green pigments before it is broken down to bilirubin which is more yellow) . As another example, in order to help me learn all the bacteria that causes diseases in medical school, I start with asking why are those bacteria are called the way that they are called, and knowing why helps me get familiarized with those bugs and help me form a foundation for learning about their characteristics, etc...


I'm so used to any video about studying to just be about how we should use Anki and spaced repetition. It's refreshing to see a video with different techniques that I almost never hear about.

I've used obsidian note-taking before, so now I want to learn how to use it better in my last semester of undergrad before medical school starts so I can get a head start in note-organization!

I feel like in order to get the big picture with less time, you could also just find a tutor that you can bug with lots of questions or annoy the professors


The real problem related to the first technique is adjustment of learning deepness i mean if you wonder every mechanisms which is behind every single fact you will spend your time


Santiago, thank you for creating this extremely unique and value adding video. You are clearly highly intelligent and creative both. Most videos don't go beyond the vomitted ActiveRecall and Spaced Repetition. Thank you brother you've given me ideas and confirmed some I already had.


In the first technique you want us to know cause of the cause

More comprehension
More memorization
It will take time

Question how to know how deep I should go?


i say this to people all the time and no one believes me or takes it seriously. understanding > memorizing. you'll always remember what you understand over what you memorized.


I remember in high school this guy who used to connect junior high school biology all the way to senior high school topics when asked questions. This used to intrigue most of us thus we saw this guy as a genius.
For me although this method is best the technique, ut ain't mutually exclusive. Memorization is needed in inorder to fill in the gaps thus the two are symbiotic in a way though 1st principle technique is superior.


1st technique But the textbooks are already very detailed if I go into more details that will be too much I think


I need another like button. The methods you mentioned is what creates scientists, not mere medical students. Thank you!


The first principle is how I made a connection between type 1 diabetes and the Bubonic Plague


Intelligence and quick acquiring knowledge are the true blessing not ever one can understand everything.person who lost it, searching for this type of videos like restless soul.


Red socks of destiny? i'm curious


Maybe you know that they speak French, German and (pseudo)Dutch (Flamish) in Belgium. So without ever having seen it on a map, you could deduce that it's probably located between those three countries. I totally agree with you that meta-knowledge is often way more important than the specific fact. There is only so much you can learn and by learning generally applicable principles, you are able to "know" so much more than if you only learned the specific


Hello Santiago! Could you please make a video on how you think AI will impact the medical field and if medicine is at risk of being automated? I would love to see your polished opinion on this topic.Kepp up the good work.


I wonder, could you explain how you can use these methods to review concepts in a systematic manner? For boards review for example? Do you just read the notes from start to finish or is there a specific method you use for spaced repetition?


I used to be able to just instantly retain anything I read, but after covid I'm struggling. The increase in human errors I make per day is seriously terrifying


I wish these videos would be without a sales pitch. Becomes less trustworthy with the salesman aspect
