Master Yoda - Train Yourself To Let Go Of EVERYTHING You Fear To Lose

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"We're meant to lose all through death. Death is what shows us nothing is forever & while we feel it is a curse to the ego, it is truly a blessing to our energy.

To be in one place forever is a prison. By losing all that we love, it prepares us for the ultimate goodbye with what we once called the self in the physical form.

We think by hanging onto people or things that it ensures it will be ours forever but what it really shows is you've yet to realize its not at all separate from you, it is just as much YOU as you call the self.

But in order to see beyond death, we must see beyond fear so we can FULLY lose all that we love only to find it again & realize it was us all along.

-Tyler Ugalde
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Yoda told Anakin what he HAD to hear, whereas Palpatine told Anakin what he WANTED to hear.


what I feel like Yoda is teaching here, is not that we have to let go of our loved ones, attachments, etctera. More that if the situation arises, if our nightmares come true we have to be hypothetically okay with losing everything that we love. It prepares us to go through the worst if that were going to happen.


Right on point, let go of fear, attachments causes jealousy.. at least try it, I experienced a great feeling of freedom and enlightenment


Honestly I don't think anyone really appreciates this scene as for when this scene is going on and explaining real world problems with everyone having something to fear about and grieve. Over but when in reality we must train ourselves to let go either that be your boyfriend girlfriend mom Dad or even your pet as for everything must come to an end even the most healthiest relationship must come crashing down as for everything you experience is only for a brief moment and then poof it's gone and your trying to find a way to bring that feeling back but to no avail so your only option is to grieve. Or to let go and start fresh and this scene is so real as for I gave in to such grief before and it almost lead me to committing suicide because of my attachment my jealousy but now I have learned to just let go and I promise you you'll be ok in the long run as for pain is only a brief moment


There's a reason the media didn't like GL's Prequels... because it taught so much.


Yoga absolutely nailed it. Anakins Achilles heal was the fear of loss. That is what ultimately turned him to the dark side.


Maybe one of the most underrated speaks from all the movies.


Idk why the Jedi were hated, there’s so much wisdom in their teachings, even in the KOTOR games


"Careful you must be when sensing the future, Anakin. The fear of loss is a path to the Dark Side. Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not, miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealousy, the shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."


and here we see Anakin not only not taking Yoda's advice, but inevitably failing it, and losing everything he feared of losing. there is a lesson here. Probably one a lot of people also shrug over. We create our own demons. It's easy to fall to a Dark Side of things. It takes strength and will to resist it.


I genuinely didn’t realize how important these wise words are until i entered my 20s. Wisdom knows no boundaries


Notice how the light and shadow plays upon their eyes and faces when speaking the dialogue in the scene.


Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose is the most freeing thing you can accomplish


I wish this was possible in real life. Boy do I need it.


Whenever I’m scared to try in dark souls I remember this scene


Yoda's right about being careful about reading the future not only for Jedi but for people in general; after all, the future is inherently hypothetical and we won't know for sure how everything unfolds. We must have the humility to focus on where we are while not neglecting the future altogether (Yoda explains this in the Empire Strikes Back to Luke) and, by the same token, not dwelling on the past; whatever happens or happened, we must do our best in the present since this will keep us calm and focused. If we focus too much on what will happen rather than where we are, we lose our grounding and let fear take over our minds. And, as Yoda famously said, fear is the path to the Dark Side.


Missing somebody and being afraid of losing sbdy dopełniają się bardzo szkodliwie jeśli nie zwalczania ich wiara w to że jesteśmy wszech kochani
No i trzeba wiedzieci że samych siebie umiemy tylko wszechnienawidzić
A musimy tylko siebie samych wszech kochać i na 1 pierwszym miejscu siebie
A i tak zawsze wszech kochamy tylko innych
Ale musimy okazywać innym milosc tą co mamy w sobie
I ta receptura psychologiczna to najlepszy potencjał cały na wszech doświadczanie milosci dla każdego!


It is amazing how in that moment Yoda can be so right but completely miss what Anakin needs. but that's the Jedi for you.


The loss of “loved ones” only prepares you for the FINAL parting of ways and that is with you and yourself. We think “family” and loved ones is the last veil to mourn but that only prepares us to mourn the loss of ourselves as the individual (ego death) only then do we realize nothing nor no “one” was lost because by shedding the loss of the ego, you are shedding the loss of all separation and awakening from the dream AT ONCE.


Yoda is the most Stoic character ever. Is like Marcus Aurelius from outer space.
