INSANE DETAILS In AVENGERS INFINITY WAR You Only Notice After Binge Watching The MCU | Easter Eggs

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INSANE Details I Noticed In AVENGERS INFINITY WAR After Binge Watching The Infinity Saga. We break down some crazy things you missed in Endgame that pay off things set up in the MCU.
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After the success of our Avengers Endgame breakdown video I thought I'd take a closer look at Infinity War to discuss some of the insane details in it that you may have missed.
The movie is filled to the brim with amazing little easter eggs, call backs to other movies and little thematic devices that enrichen the world and in my opinion have helped to make the MCU the success that it is.
Throughout this we're gonna be breaking down some of the most obscure details and hopefully helping you to appreciate the movie in a new light.
There will be heavy spoilers here so if you got dusted during the snap and somehow haven't managed to see the movie yet then I highly suggest that you turn off now.. Make sure you subscribe to the channel for videos like this every day now let's get into our breakdown of Insane Details you missed in Avengers: Endgame.
Infinity War Opening Scene
Ok so Infinity War opens immediately after the events of Thor Ragnarok with The Sanctuary Two ravaging the Asgardian refugee ship.
The distress call itself is sent out by Kenneth Branaugh who directed the first Thor film and this is a nice little vocal cameo by the actor and director.
As for the scene itself on the surface it seems pretty straight forward but there's actually an amazing bit of trivia here that not only shows thematically what the movie is about but also how Thanos operates.
You may have noticed that the ship is infact torn in two and from Thor Ragnarok it looks like it's been split directly down the middle.
The side that we join has been completely slaughtered by Thanos and his forces whereas we know from Avengers Endgame that the side with Valkeryie and Korg got away unharmed.
During Infinity War we discover that Thanos rides throughout the galaxy going planet to planet and wiping out half of the life that live there.
The other half are allowed to live and even in the opening of the movie this aesthetic remains.
It also pretty much gives away the ending and shows that half of all life will be wiped out and it's an amazing way to open the movie that echoes throughout it.
How Heimdall Knew Where To Send Bruce
During the opening Heimdall sends Bruce to Doctor Strange on Bleeker Street but how did he know to send the character here and to them?
Well he didn't, he actually sent Bruce to the Time Stone rather than the Wizards. This is the place that he needed to be to save time so that the group wouldn't waste it needlessly looking for the stone.
We get confirmation of this in the film when Thor says that the Time and Mind stone are safe on Earth and thus Heimdall has likely been keeping an eye on it and it's location.
We saw in Ragnarok that Thor and Heimdall can communicate telepathically and I believe that Heimdall was going to send Thor first however after looking at him he sends Hulk instead.
It is possible that Thor could have given the character permission to carry this out and this is why the two look at one another and why Thor has such an expression.
Thor has met Doctor Strange at this point and thus he knows that the Time Stone is there and that is where Hulk needs to go.
Also Heimdall dies with his eyes open and as we know from the rest of the MCU he was a keen watcher thus this is a fitting death.
Music By Lakey Inspired
» SnapChat: Lakeyinspired
✘ IG ⇒ @ befranky
#AvengersInfinityWar #InfinitySaga #Endgame #Avengers #Marvel #MCU #EasterEggs #ThingsYouMissed #Spiderman #NoWayHome
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After the success of our Avengers Endgame breakdown video I thought I'd take a closer look at Infinity War to discuss some of the insane details in it that you may have missed.
The movie is filled to the brim with amazing little easter eggs, call backs to other movies and little thematic devices that enrichen the world and in my opinion have helped to make the MCU the success that it is.
Throughout this we're gonna be breaking down some of the most obscure details and hopefully helping you to appreciate the movie in a new light.
There will be heavy spoilers here so if you got dusted during the snap and somehow haven't managed to see the movie yet then I highly suggest that you turn off now.. Make sure you subscribe to the channel for videos like this every day now let's get into our breakdown of Insane Details you missed in Avengers: Endgame.
Infinity War Opening Scene
Ok so Infinity War opens immediately after the events of Thor Ragnarok with The Sanctuary Two ravaging the Asgardian refugee ship.
The distress call itself is sent out by Kenneth Branaugh who directed the first Thor film and this is a nice little vocal cameo by the actor and director.
As for the scene itself on the surface it seems pretty straight forward but there's actually an amazing bit of trivia here that not only shows thematically what the movie is about but also how Thanos operates.
You may have noticed that the ship is infact torn in two and from Thor Ragnarok it looks like it's been split directly down the middle.
The side that we join has been completely slaughtered by Thanos and his forces whereas we know from Avengers Endgame that the side with Valkeryie and Korg got away unharmed.
During Infinity War we discover that Thanos rides throughout the galaxy going planet to planet and wiping out half of the life that live there.
The other half are allowed to live and even in the opening of the movie this aesthetic remains.
It also pretty much gives away the ending and shows that half of all life will be wiped out and it's an amazing way to open the movie that echoes throughout it.
How Heimdall Knew Where To Send Bruce
During the opening Heimdall sends Bruce to Doctor Strange on Bleeker Street but how did he know to send the character here and to them?
Well he didn't, he actually sent Bruce to the Time Stone rather than the Wizards. This is the place that he needed to be to save time so that the group wouldn't waste it needlessly looking for the stone.
We get confirmation of this in the film when Thor says that the Time and Mind stone are safe on Earth and thus Heimdall has likely been keeping an eye on it and it's location.
We saw in Ragnarok that Thor and Heimdall can communicate telepathically and I believe that Heimdall was going to send Thor first however after looking at him he sends Hulk instead.
It is possible that Thor could have given the character permission to carry this out and this is why the two look at one another and why Thor has such an expression.
Thor has met Doctor Strange at this point and thus he knows that the Time Stone is there and that is where Hulk needs to go.
Also Heimdall dies with his eyes open and as we know from the rest of the MCU he was a keen watcher thus this is a fitting death.
Music By Lakey Inspired
» SnapChat: Lakeyinspired
✘ IG ⇒ @ befranky