Aleister Crowley: A Night Inside the Great Pyramid of Egypt | Ancient Architects

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In my last video, I looked at some graffiti inside the Subterranean Chamber of Great Pyramid of Egypt, which looked to have an esoteric meaning mentioning a High Priest and High Priestess, Atlantis, Apollonius of Tyana, Apollo as well as other words I couldn’t make it.

It was scrawled above the entrance to the chamber in March 1905 and one of the video comments said: “In my opinion, this could well be the handy work of Aleister Crowley, as he was in the Great Pyramid around this time, and performed rituals there.” Many other viewers made similar claims.

The timing did seem about right and I knew that Aleister Crowley did go to Egypt some time after the turn of the 20th century, so this led me on another short research project. Could this writing actually be the handiwork of a man once called the “wickedest man in the world”?

In this video, we take a look at the life of Aleister Crowley and we specifically take a detailed look at his night inside the Great Pyramid of Egypt on November 22nd 1903, on his honeymoon with his new bridge Rose Edith Crowley (nee Kelly).

All images are taken from Google Images and the below sources for educational purposes only. Please subscribe to Ancient Architects, Like the video and please leave a comment below. Thank you.


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Alaister Crowley once ate mushrooms and played chess simultaneously against 8 professional players.
He lost every single game.


"Took her into the kings chamber to show off his magical abilities" that what you kids are calling it these days?


Sekhmet's Festival occurred on the night of November 22, 1903, and obviously Aleister Crowley knew that. She was, and is the Cat faced Goddess of War, Crossroads, and much more. She was feared by all because she had the Eye of Ra, and was given the power to destroy humanity. She was so feared that virtually none of her statues are in one piece. I have worked in extreme high end digital imaging for 39 years, and this Winter I worked on Sekhmet in extreme high resolution. I had to take three different images, one of which was mirrored to complete the image. Sekhmet is why Crowley was in the King's Chamber that particular night, he knew her well. I sincerely thank you for this particular video, and all of your wonderful videos! You my friend are very, very good at what you create.


Mr. Crowley, what went on in your head?


Truly excellent episode. Your channel (which I've been watching since just about the beginning) continues to improve and become ever more sophisticated. Impressive considering that many of your peers in this area of endeavor have exhausted most of the subject matter and have been reduced to repeating themselves. Bravo!


Your dedication to nailing the most minute facts is always good to hear and part of what makes this channel so good. No bias jut heavy research.


Crowley seems like a delightful, mentally stable young man, lol!! I'm disappointed he didn't mention charles Kos in the corner of the kings chamber...oh well, guess he kept some things secret, 🤣


Thank You for your diligent no nonsense approach. It is is truly refreshing.


crowleys comments of lilac color is interesting almost as if the candle was allowing him to see a glow in the dark effect effect as if there was a phosphorescent powder residue on the walls and the candle light made it visible


The Bornless Ritual is actually a dodgy old Victorian translation of an Egyptian Exorcism ritual, more correctly called the Rite of the Headless One, or Headless Rite ("Head" meaning "Beginning", the One (as in Pleroma, or Buddha-mind) who is not born, and without beginning"). Greek Magical Papyrus PGM V.96—17, the invocation of the Akephalos.


I have been practicing meditation every day for many years now. Every once in a while I will fall into a space that is beyond the physical, as I cannot feel gravity and the positioning of my body in this "void space" is not parallel to my physical. This space had the same exact "ultra violent lilac coloring" that is described here.

I presume this is the astral, as I have entered this space quite a few times now. However I am not experienced enough go explore this space or do anything rather than relax here.

Alistair Crowley practiced High Magick which is a form of spiritual practice aimed at going beyond life and death just as many other spiritual practices are aimed at. I have a lot of respect for him and keep seeing some of the things he has spoken of in my own practice, which is a Buddhist practice.


Apparently, once Crowley almost died of exhaustion during a rite in which he invoked an Egyptian deity... colorful character. Cool video!✌


My sole observation: having slept on hard forest floors in a tent, I think I’d’ve thought ahead about a granite floor :-)


Excellent video! Really well done. I've had an interest in Crowley for many years, visited his house for a long weekend camp out. Egypt is certainly a very special and intriguing place and one I like very much.


The resemblance to Barbara Bush is unbelievable.


Very interesting, thanks. Crowley rhymes with holy. It's a ley with crows - if it's the English name.


I couldn't help but think that some of the archaic symbols of the Ars Goetia are quite reminiscent of electrical schematica.


9:22 Wow. I didn't know there was so much damage to the wall around the "air shaft". I had never seen that before.


He married Rose Edith Kelly on Aug 1903. So this does indeed tally up with the time-line. The couple went on to have an extended honeymoon. This brought them to Cairo. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law, " is what he would say.


brilliant that. I spent a year living in a log cabin in an ancient woodland where I was working. The woods had all been sold off as separate plots but was once all owned by Viscount Tredegar who was friends with Crowley. I used to walk to see the old house (now a care home) where the Viscount had a Pentagonal room to do god knows what inside. Supposedly even Crowley was concerned with what he was doing there. made roaming the woods at night hunting pigeons great fun!
