What Your Favorite Way To TRAVEL In ZELDA Says About You! |Botw|

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What's Your Favorite way to Travel in botw? Comment Down below!
Music in This Video:
The legend of zelda: Breath of the Wild
The legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
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Hey guys, Little_l here. Thanks for joining me today on this fine evening as we discuss the different methods of traveling in the 2017 Nintendo Switch and Wii U game titled "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild". Join me as I list 10 different ways of traversing the vast lands of Hyrule and how they correlate with your public demeanor. Please note, this video is only for educational purposes along with some comedic tones thrown about here and there, with that out of the way, let's dive into this comprehensive discussion about Breath of the Wild's wide variety of travel methods.


I’d like to add one of my own favourites: floating down stream. It involves getting into a flowing body of water and then doing nothing. No swimming, no changing direction, just letting the river carry you and seeing where you end up.


I got teary eyed and distraught when my horse died in the game. I bolted straight to Malanya to revive my beloved companion and gave it 10 apples to apologize for putting it in harms way 😭


You were too real with the horse one. I would die to have my horse without a scratch.


I still remember when my first horse died. BOTW is my introduction to the Zelda franchise, and I had managed to avoid any and all spoilers. Basically, I went into the game blind. When I encountered my first guardian that could move, I was on horseback. I tried desperately to outrun it, but it ended up shooting and killing my horse. I didn't know you could revive horses at the time, and I was so distraught that I had to pause the game and take a break for like 20 minutes before going back to my switch and just staring at the screen, wondering what the heck I was supposed to do. Eventually one of my friends told me there was a way to revive horses, but I was still trying to do everything in the game without looking up stuff online, so I basically spent the rest of the game on a revenge quest seeking this so called "horse god." I eventually found them, and revived my first horse. Afterwards, I rode my horse back to the stable, where he has stayed in retirement ever since. I found a new horse that has better stats and I refuse to approach guardians on horseback now.


Horseback is so fun! To just travel and see the sites is so cool! Even if everything is discovered it’s still fun to just explore and see everything with your horse. I love my horse!


The horse part of the video is so true: I love travelling on horseback. Also, I still have my first horse, and it actually has a fun story behind it. Her name is Moonshade (at least, I headcanon her as a mare), and she was a grey dapple. One day, the Guardians killed her during a game over: Luckily, I had saved beforehand, so no real harm done, and I was so happy to just see that she was okay when I respawned. But needless to say: that moment practically turned me into the Doomslayer, only with Guardians as my preferred target instead of demons. I have the Ancient Armor set and master sword unlocked, so I just legit go out of my way to kill a Guardian whenever I see one. I mean, I would've frankly been more angry if they had actually forced me to take a trip to the fairy fountain where you can revive horses, and Moonshade is retired to the stable now. But still: what the Guardians did was unforgivable. Gotta wonder if they'll make an appearance in TOTK: I've recently pre-ordered it, and I'm so curious about what kind of enemies I'll get to terrorize.


Fun fact: shield surfing on map drawn dirt paths will not decrease your shield durability. You can test this from the Hateno Observatory all the way down to the little bridge next to the Inn
Edit; Bumps still damage your shield so you might want to avoid them and use a shield with less friction like the Mind's eye shield, the ancient shield or the Radiant shield.


I usually spend my time using wind bomb or BLSS but in my current deathless run I decided to walk the intended route for the first time to Zoras Domain and it was refreshing


"You've played too much BotW... But updated!" XD


My favorite is just walking around Hyrule, there's so many new things I'm discovering even after 500+ hours in game. Great Vid!


I like climbing and gliding because sometimes I feel bad fighting monsters (and some just scare me), so sneaking around/over them makes me feel better (and a bit clever)


As a Breath of the Wild player, I too like watching Link suffer while he falls off Hebra Peak, He just stands up anyway.


My favorite way actually wasn't covered in this video! I love using Cryonis and Paraglider to cover large distances of water. You basically build a path of ice blocks using Cryonis and then jump and use the Paraglider to cover the distance between them.


The nostalgia hit hard with the OoT intro 😭
I love riding around on Epona ❤️❤️
Shield surfing is a close second though
But when I wanna just move on and continue without wasting too much time fast travel is the way I go


I love gliding because I love flying. And it is so cool to see the whole map!


I see you want ideas :What Your Favourite Way To Complete The Korok Forest Shrine Says About You! |BotW|
I’ll watch now!


I use my horses a lot. I feel like I got called out, I really do still ride my first horse I ever stabled. She is 2 star speed, strength and stamina but I'm never letting that horse go.

The only time I'm not taking a horse with me is when I have to climb or swim. Even if I walk, I always go back and get her.

Yep, She's my little adventure buddy. ^^


So many memories just from the opening screen from oot!


1:08 Guilty as charged *XD*

Fr, though, I once had a dream that I was being hunted down by some group, so I windbombed myself across a body of water to get away. It only helped for a little while.
