How to Uninstall or Delete System Protected Fonts In Windows 11

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If you want to uninstall pre-installed fonts on windows 10/11 pc here is quick video guide to help you. Normally you can't delete the windows pre-installed fonts when you try to uninstall you will see an error the font can't be deleted because font is system protected that mean this font is pre-installed in windows, so how can you remove unwanted fonts and uninstall them in windows 11 pc let's watch this video.

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very useful when i need to delete almost of ms font
thank alot


Aah i have problem (Win10)
I accidentally installed few fonts
And one replaced Arial font, even in Chrome and few websites like wikipedia
And i just havent delete button in font settings
It says Regular 1.0 Arial by FFDec
(Btw, not translated into my language "Regular")
I just not found this font in regedit
And it looks like some comic sans font (but it isnt)
Idk what to do


Thank you! Your tutorial helped me a lot!


Hey! Your video helped a lot and thanks for that, but now I accidentally removed some font I was not supposed to and I have no idea which font was that. And now when I open settings some icons are not showing in it. Please
