BSI Built Environment Global Webinar: Demystifying Scope 3 Emissions

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The built environment is one of largest consumers of natural resources in the world. The construction of our buildings and infrastructure and the production of the materials required, including concrete, steel, and lumber, produce vast greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This negatively impacts our environment through pollution, loss of natural resources, waste generation, and climate change. This is why many companies in the built environment sector are working to reduce their GHG emissions. When companies report their progress in reducing GHG, you will often see words like “scopes 1, 2, and 3”. But what do “scopes 1, 2, and 3” mean?

Scope 3 emissions are a result of activities performed by the company’s value chain. But how do we clarify what scope 3 emissions are and how do we report them? In this webinar, our speaker, Keith Bryan discusses this in depth, covering the following topics:

• What are scope 3 emissions and how do we clarify and classify them?
• What reporting is required and not required for scope 3?
• What proportion of emissions does scope 3 represent?
• How do we reduce scope 3 emissions?
• What data is available to be able to help us make decisions to reduce scope 3?
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