Java FX Create & Deploy Stand Alone Application - Compile JAR Executable & Custom - JRE Package🛠️

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How to Create and Deploy a Java FX Stand Alone Application. Compile with javac, Archive Application with jar executable, Check your Application Module Dependencies required to run with jdeps and Create Custom JRE Package using jlink and package your application to run from anywhere - no java installation needed! - Deimos Coding Projects

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00:00 Overview
01:07 Application Example to Create Stand Alone Application
01:34 Organise the Source Code
02:12 Compile Source Code including Java FX modules
03:54 Create Application archive all class libraries & resources into one file
05:26 Create Custom JRE check Java Dependencies required with jdeps and create JRE with jlink
07:07 How to run Application with custom Java JRE
07:34 Create batch file and Package Application
09:01 Create batch files for commands above
Рекомендации по теме

First, I really thank you a lot. Since there aren't a lot of community of javafx, I have been struggling to create stand alone application of javafx. As I am a beginner and it was so hard for me to do it and I tried it almost 2 days and now here is you just 7 mins video and the problem I had been dealing with was just disappeared. Thank you sir.., you just got one more fun now!!!!


Deimos Coding Projects: Suggestion for your projects that you make batch files first for each command given in video...

@echo off
javac --module-path %PATH_TO_FX% --add-modules=javafx.controls, javafx.fxml src\helloworld\*.java -d classes
echo java HelloWorld package has been compiled
copy src\helloworld\*.fxml classes\helloworld\*.fxml

@echo off
mkdir app
jar --create --file=app/HelloWorld.jar -C classes .
echo HelloWorld.jar has been created in directory app

@echo off
java --module-path %PATH_TO_FX% --add-modules=javafx.controls, javafx.fxml -jar app/HelloWorld.jar

@echo off
jdeps -s --module-path %PATH_TO_FX% app\helloworld.jar

jlink --module-path ../jmods;%PATH_TO_FX_JMOD% --add-modules java.base, javafx.base, javafx.controls, javafx.fxml --output jreFX2

@echo off
jreFX2\bin\java --list-modules


I can't create custom JRE when I add to project mssql jdbc driver. I get a message “automatic module cannot be used with jlink”. What I must to do?


where did you get the fxml files from? I didn't see any steps to create or download them in the videos before this one.


mysql is not working. there seems to be a problem with linking


how about compile jvm with c++.We can create standlone jar file to exe.Is it possible?but we have a problem with jvm.dll error.
