Why Do We Dream?

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💭 Why Do We Dream? Unraveling the Mystery! 💭

Ever wondered why we dream? Join us as we explore the fascinating theories behind our nightly adventures in just one minute! From processing emotions to boosting creativity, dreams play a surprising role in our mental lives.

🔍 What You’ll Learn:

REM Sleep: The stage when dreams occur and why our brains are so active.
Emotional Processing: How dreams help us sort through feelings and memories.
Creative Boost: The link between dreaming and problem-solving.
Evolutionary Role: How dreams may have helped our ancestors survive.
Random Activity: Why some dreams are just plain weird!

🔔 Subscribe to Furiten for more! :)
#WhyWeDream #Furiten #DreamScience #SleepFacts #MindMysteries #REMStage #BrainActivity
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