The Serial Killer Iceberg

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DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational purposes. The events described and shown are historically/artistically significant and the content should be treated as a comprehensive recollection/analysis of events. The actions mentioned are in no way condoned or acceptable to myself or those who featured in the creation of this video. Any events or images depicted are artificial and in no way condone behavior of similar category. Please view responsibly, viewer discretion is advised.

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YouTube is so weird, he can describe all these brutal, horrific acts, but he has to skirt around the word “suicide” because *that’s* the line for demonetization


The best part of this video was watching Wendigoon get increasingly annoyed whenever one of the killers had a cool nickname. Also, in case anyone is curious, I looked up Luis Garavito since the video said that he was up for parole some time this year, and I have good news. Not only did he not get released from prison, he died in October.


Love that wendigoon describes the serial killer iceberg videos as a "nice walk down memory lane"


⚠️2024 update⚠️: ed kemper has been denied parole for the 14th time as of july 9th


My father is buried next to Paul Bernardo’s second victim, Leslie Mahaffy, I always make sure her shrine is clean, she went to my high school and my dad actually babysat her


Stomach dropped hearing you say that Garavito guy was up for parole in 2023, looked it up and he died on October 12th this year in prison🎉🎉🎉🎉 Child predators rot in the dustiest pits of hell.


To add on to Ted Bundy’s execution, people turned off all their electricity in their homes across the nation to make the shock of the electric chair harsher so he would feel more pain. Wild man!


At 4:00:18 when he mentioned "James Dean" my first thought was, "isn't he the president?" The brain rot is setting in from watching The Monument Mythos videos.


It's great that you were able to find such a high-res imagine of the zodiac killer. The guy looks insane, hopefully he's identified soon.


Big thanks to Wendigoon for giving me credit not only in the compilation but the original video as well. Looking back there are definitely things I would have changed - adding some people while possibly excluding others. I was inspired to send the iceberg after seeing the Unsolved True Crime Iceberg and thinking "well I know a lot about serial killers, maybe this community would be interested in this." I'm very happy to see how receptive the audience was to the content, and I'm glad to see how far Wendigoon has come.

I'm glad everyone liked it! And thanks again to Wendigoon for making an image I threw together in Photoshop in an hour so entertaining.


You should do a "hero" iceberg as a palate cleanser for this one.


Fun fact: John Wayne Gayce was friends with two Nickelodeon producers that worked on shows like Drake and Josh, iCarly, Victorious, etc. specifically he was friends with the guy that assaulted Drake Bell (I forgot his name) and (of course) Dan Schneider.


While listening to the second tier I started wondering something: What were to happen if a hitchhiking serial killer got in the car of a serial killer that picks up hitchhikers?


FYI for everyone here, Garavito (the Colombian child murderer up for parole in 2023 that may have killed ~400 people) died of cancer two months ago (and painfully so if you watch a picture of him). Divine justice everyone.


The weirdest work problem I’ve ever encountered was a contractor refusing to go to a house because Gary Ridgway used to live there


My favorite thing about the Richard Ramirez case is that the mob that caught him was actually a group of teenagers. Ramirez was attempting to break into an elderly woman’s car before her grandson and his friends beat him with baseball bats.


The Vampire is honestly the worst case I've ever gone into. Wendigoon doesn't go into the details, but once of the crime scenes involved a missing infant. When they went into Chase's apartment to find the baby, there was blood everywhere, including the child's DNA in a blender. One of the worst human beings I've ever researched.


all of a sudden I wish I had a road trip to go on


Yes 🙌🏼 It is very important to draw the link between serial killers and childhood abuse, while being aware that there are so many strong survivors that DIDNT become monsters. It can serve as an explanation while not excusing a single thing.


Honestly, I really appreciate the little bit at the end about the world not being an awful place and how this is only a small percentage of the world. I love true crime but I find sometimes i spiral and get really anxious about this kind of stuff on the flipside. I really appreciated hearing that<3
