Do You Remain Silent?

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Stop and search:
Right to silence:
Police caution:

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Complete and utter silence absolutely terrifies them out of their tiny little police minds.


You're a Saint sir, never underestimate the value you are providing your viewers.
We all very much appreciate it. 👍


Your information is correct THEY SHOULD - THEY SHOULD - REALITY THEY DO NOT - THEY DO NOT AT ALL - THEY never caution you at all - not even back in the station - why because most of them DO NOT KNOW the caution. They certainly do not tell you what they are arresting you for - they detain you - then they go and check what they can arrest you for - its a service that is NOT professional.


What a shame it doesn't harm the prosecution if they fail to mention anything under caution that they later rely on in court.


How can a real Court EVER draw adverse inference from anyone exercising a right..?
'because he didn't tell us he did it, lets hang him out to dry anyway' is no way to the judiciary to operate...

It always makes me chuckle though hearing cops demanding details & threatening to arrest, upon which, their victim will be told they have 'the Right to remain silent'. Ummm...


Give them your name, DoB & Address & at that point say nothing until you're give legal advice. In the end its down to the police to build a case to submit to the CPS for further action. Why help them, they are going to do nothing for you.


😎 he's always on the go finding time to fit in useful infomation 👍👍


Also, if someone has a mental health condition or disability that limits (or appears to limit) their understanding the police should arrange for an 'appropriate adult' to be present - much the same as for under 18 year-olds.


I grew up in the UK (lived there for 14yrs, 30yrs ago) and back then the cops could stop and search you merely for acting suspicious, like being outside at 2am for instance. Now whether they were allowed to consider being outside at 2am as enough of a reason to be considered as suspicious, I don't know. However, they would pretty much always stop and search me at night after midnight regardless of where I was. Considering I used to go to a pub that after 11pm would draw these light blocking curtains over the windows and serve drinks until only a few of us remained, which could be pretty much anytime in the wee hours of the morning being outside after 1am-2am happened quite often. Especially just after I turned 18 and boozing at a pub was still a novel activity. Anyway, I can't remember exactly for sure the words of caution they used to read to you whenever they arrested me (I was a terror when I was young so it happened a few times at least) but they never said anything like "You have the right to remain silent, but if you do and later wish to rely upon it in court, blah blah, blah" the exact words escape me but I heard them lots on recent detective tv shows from England. Which shocked me when I heard it.

The way it sounds is that if you don't talk or give an alibi until trial that it may be (aka will be) negatively held against you. Here's the thing, they also say "anything you do say can be used against you in court" not for you. Which got explained to me this way, if it hurts you it will be exaggerated, if it helps you, then they will do their utmost to minimize it or destroy it if possible. Thing is once the cops have decided that you are the guilty party then it's very unlikely that they can be persuaded to alter that standpoint. It kind of makes sense because if they weren't sure it was you and they admitted that your lawyer could use it in your defense so they can't seem wishy washy about your guilt, also if they looked at other people as possible suspects after they have arrested you for a crime that also could later be used to show reasonable doubt.

With that in mind and that if you do talk they will make you go over your story multiple times until you are tired and likely to accidentally make minor errors which they will pounce on and use to discredit you. They are allowed to lie to you about evidence and anything they want short of telling you that you will be released if you confess to the triple murder. So by allowing the police and judge and jurors able to infer a person's guilt because they stayed silent during interrogation and refused to take the stand during the trial is not the type of justice system that a democratic society should embrace. This sort of erosion of human rights started when the USA detained people under the terrorism act and were allowed to indefinitely without charge and then refused to let the defense see evidence or even cross examine witnesses. We let it slide because it was another race from half a world away and we gave in to fear. each little bite at the apple slowly reduces it until nothing is left but because it's done slowly over time it is allowed to happen.




Great channel! My question is what is the law and a persons rights in the case of a citizens arrest for both sides (Arrestee and Arrestor)


One of the most traumatic things in your life is being arrested when entirely innocent. It is horrific and stays with you forever. 4 years on and I never feel safe now. It is a shock to discover officers will lie and do anything rather than admit so.ply they made an error. They will destroy your life and career rather than that. I learned this first hand. From being a lifelong suporter of the police I now never want to see one again.


My answer to any question guilty or not "I do not have a clear enough relocation of the events in question to give you an accurate answer while under caution" I would provide a brief written statement to the effect of I have a memory like a sieve, particularly for short term memory. I do and would not feel confident that any answer I give whilst under duress during an interview would be 100% accurate and any inadvertent unintentional inaccuracies in my answers could put me at a disadvantage. In the fulness of time things, timings and events may become clearer to me, in that event I will apprise the relevant authorities through my legal team.
The duress bit. I haven't slept, I am tired, I feel claustrophobic and I am disorientated I also fear for my safety whilst in custody, none of this has to be rational it's in the eye of the beholder.


Don't answer any questions, until you have legal representation.


I don't think anybody can go far wrong if they stick by the old caution. "You are not obliged to say ANYTHING but anything you do say may be taken down and used in evidence against you". It is many, many years since I was arrested for anything but keeping my mouth shut did me no harm whatsoever. Excellent series BBB.


I'd still remain silent, just too much risk.


Always Attorney up and remain Silent. Hire a professional Attorney Always. Hire a professional Attorney before you talk to a Attorney. Miranda rights


Thanks Mr Belt. Succinct and to the point. 9/10 (9 because nobody is perfect)


When I got arrested before I needed a legal adult and a solicitor cos I got ADHD and learning difficulties it's part of their policy unless they can't talk too me this is in the UK for any American folks out there


What if you're interviewed under caution plus 3 ??
