Totalitarian States & Loss Of Freedoms By Aldous Huxley

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Totalitarian States & Loss Of Freedoms By Aldous Huxley. Brave New World saw publication in 1932. Huxley warned of free socities slipping into Communist states, where the individual became part of the machine. His vision is sadly becoming reality, as the masses blindly ignore their oncoming incarceration. We were warned...

#bravenewworld #bigbrother #freedomfighter #socialcredit
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That video of all those talking heads spouting the same script is terrifying. At least it would be if I listened or cared about anything the MSM says.


How prophetic. Especially him talking about technology. Think I could tolerate what's happening now, if I had a Soma ration 😂. Joking aside, great interview you found there. It's just worrying that all he wrote & spoke about, is coming to pass.
