Wall Alignment in FreeCAD BIM

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In this quick tip for FreeCAD BIM wall alignment concept is demonstrated. Viewers will learn how to align walls left, right and center. The alignment side is demonstrated – it is based on the direction the base sketch or draft is created. Solving alignment problems is also demonstrated.

FreeCAD version used in the video: 1.0

0:00 Setting wall alignment – left, right or center
1:44 Understanding the alignment orientation
3:30 Fixing wrong wall orientation

#freecad #osarch #aec #opensource #oss #bim
Рекомендации по теме

For Sketch as Base, no need to delete the edge with undesirable Align, just pick one end point and stretch it to the opposite direction to reverse the position of the two end points.


Ahoj, moc děkuji za tvoji tvorbu. Hodně mi tvá videa pomáhají. Jen se mi nikde nepodařilo zjistit, jak se dá textem překrýt objekt pod textem. Ideálně nakreslit obdélník, v něm text a to vše, aby překrylo vše pod tím :). Děkuji za pomoc.
