How did Portugal and Spain Plan to 'Conquer' the World?

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How did Portugal and Spain Plan to "Conquer" the World?

When you have as many expansionist powers as the European continent did during the early modern and colonial eras, it can become difficult to maintain a peaceful, easy-flowing system. With limited land available and everyone wanting a piece of all of it, how were these ambitious nations meant to split it all up without going to war? Negotiation was always an option, but of course, it was much easier said than done. Still, two nations in particular actually did broker a deal, peacefully, for the division of unconquered land. And this was no small deal either - it was not simply a distribution of one or two territories. Instead, these nations, Portugal and Spain, planned to rule the New World - together…

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♦Sources :

Paullin, Charles Oscar.
European Treaties Bearing on the History of the United States and Its Dependencies.

Parry, J.H. The Age of Reconnaissance.

♦Script & Research :
Skylar Gordon

#History #Documentary #Spain
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“Hey Spain, what are we going to do tonight?”
“The same thing we do everynight Portugal, try to take over the world 🌎!”


i think this is the solution to all wars. just give half to spain and the other half to portugal


Fernando Pessoa once wrote:

"We worship perfection because we can't have it; if we had it, we would reject it. Perfection is inhuman, because humanity is imperfect"


The Portuguese had to know Brazil was there otherwise they wouldn't have asked the line to be moved.


To all those people who think Spain and Portugal never really ruled the world, well, Portugal had a line of commercial posts from Japan to Europe and monopolized global trade for 100 years. While Spain remain the biggest Europeas power from 1497 to 1701 with the War of Spanosh Succesion. Spain and Portugal were conquering the world when France couldn't even conquer Bratain (the small one) and English couldn't handle the Scottish.


The world : **exists**
Spain and Portugal : "it's free real estate."


URSS and USA dividing countries
Portugal and Spain: Pathetic


China India Paquistan: three world powers that are preparing to go to war over a piece of icy mountain.
portugal and spain: literally divide the world, twice, with just a map, a pencil and a pope.

what is needed in addition to this?


Island: *Minds Business*
Spain: *Peace was never an option*


World: Exists
Spain-tugal: So then we started claiming it....


Donald Trump: I've made the most ambitious trade deal ever!
Portugal & Spain: *lol*


"Oh salty sea, how much of your salt are tears of Portugal"


The pinnacle of Spanish and Portuguese imperialism.


Spain and Portugal were having difficulties to make trade with Asia because of the Ottoman Empire and its satellite states, that's why they were exploring new routes in the west


Ei, Espanha. O que vamos fazer esta noite?

Lo mismo que hacemos todas las noches, Portugal. Tratar de apoderarse del mundo.


Both Portugal and Spain were the first GLOBAL powers of the Modern Era! Portugal, for example, was the first Thalassocratic Colonial power of the Modern Era!
The apogee of Portugal (whether militarily, economically or politically), in MY historical analysis, took place during the rule of the House of Avis, more precisely during the reigns of John I (1385-1433), Duarte I (1433-1438), Afonso V (1438-1481), John II (1481-1495), Manuel I (1495-1521) and John III (1521-1557). Throughout this period, Portugal had a powerful Thalassocratic Empire that spread across all continents! The Portuguese, for example, were the first European people to arrive in Japan.

The year of 1492, in MY historical analysis, was undoubtedly the most important and glorious year of the entire Spanish history due to three main reasons:
• 1) 1492 marked the definitive end of the Emirate of Granada as a political organization (which was the last Muslim stronghold in Spain).1492, therefore, represented the final Christian victory of the Spanish Reconquista.
• 2) 1492 marked the beginning of the establishment of the Spanish Colonial Empire (PLVS VLTRA). Following the arrival of Columbus in the Americas (1492), under the patronage of the Catholic Kings (Los Reyes Católicos), Spain founded its Colonial Thalassocratic Empire, which was the very first GLOBAL empire of modern history (alongside with Portugal). At its height, more precisely during the reigns of Charles I (1516-1556) and Philip II (1556-1598), the Spanish Empire extended from the Americas to the Philippines, including the Caribbean!
• 3) In 1492, the Spanish Pope Alexander VI was elected (Rodrigo Borgia), which increased the Spanish influence in Italy.
1492, therefore, was the Spanish "Annus Mirabilis" (wonderful year).

The pioneer of the Great Navigations, however, was the small (but important) Kingdom of Portugal. Portugal, in my historical analysis, became the pioneer of the Great Navigations due to four main reasons:
• 1) The rise of the House of Avis (the most glorious Portuguese dynasty). The Portuguese victory at the decisive Battle of Aljubarrota (1385), for example, not only definitively consolidated Portugal as an independent kingdom in Europe (under the leadership of king John I), but it also ushered an era of unprecedented expansions. As I mentioned before, the reigns of John I, Duarte I, Afonso V, John II (the Portuguese king during the Treaty of Tordesilhas), Manuel I and John III, in my historical analysis, represented the golden age of LUSITANIA and its people. Throughout this historical period, the Portuguese, in my own words, became the "Phoenicians" of the Modern Era!
• 2) The Fall of Constantinople (1453). The Fall of Constantinople further stimulated the Portuguese expansion (which began in 1415 with the Portuguese conquest of Ceuta). The Ottoman control of the Black Sea and the Venetian monopoly in the Mediterranean, therefore, further boosted the Portuguese search for an alternative route.
After the Fall of Constantinople, Lisbon became the destination of cartographers, astronomers and navigators from all over Europe, including Columbus himself! Moreover, after the arrival of Vasco da Gama in India (1498), Portugal became the main supplier of eastern products to Europe. By the end of the 15th century, Portugal had a Thalassocratic Empire that would make the Phoenicians cry with envy.
• 3) Portugal's clear geographical advantage.
• 4) Portugal became the first European country to constitute a modern Nation-State. After the conclusion of the Portuguese Reconquista in 1249 (when king Afonso III conquered Faro), Portugal turned its attention to its internal development. During the reign of Dinis I (1279-1325), Portugal was already a highly centralized and bureaucratic State.


Portugal knew about brazil way before that treaty was signed :D Good move! Saludos desde Espana!


Just have to remind the numerous Portuguese Fortes around the East world.


And that’s why the primary languages of South America are Portuguese and Spanish.


Fun fact: In Holland we have something called a "Tordesillasje" this means that you share a girl with a buddy. So, one takes the front hole and the other the hole in the back.
