Steve Skojek & The All Merciful God (+ 100 Book Giveaway—no Strings Attached)

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God's Grandeur

The world is charged with the grandeur of God.
It will flame out, like shining from shook foil;
It gathers to a greatness, like the ooze of oil
Crushed. Why do men then now not reck his rod?
Generations have trod, have trod, have trod;
And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil;
And wears man's smudge and shares man's smell: the soil
Is bare now, nor can foot feel, being shod.

And for all this, nature is never spent;
There lives the dearest freshness deep down things;
And though the last lights off the black West went
Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs —
Because the Holy Ghost over the bent
World broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings.
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Thanh you Matt. As a recovering rad trad podcast/YouTube addict, I genuinely appreciate this. I don’t normally post in comment sections, but I think it’s worth telling a little bit of my story.

I started getting into the trad movement after I attended the Sacred Liturgy Conference in 2019. It was there that I had my first full experience with the Latin Mass and I fell in love. Unfortunately, I stared stumbling across all these trad YouTube personalities. I went in with a desire to learn more about the traditional life of the Church, but ended up getting sucked up into the drama. Before I knew it, I was hooked. I was literally addicted to the commentary on Pope Francis’ latest confusing statement. By the time the Amazon synod happened, I was full blown invested in all this. I was avidly consuming every word of my favorite trad Catholic YouTube celebrity (who will remain nameless). I thought I was being righteous, but slowly, poison was seeping into my heart. I was becoming a full blown Pharisee without even knowing it. I was so invested into the drama of the worldwide church, I was unable to see the pride and spiritual gluttony (from the constant need to consume religious media) in my own heart. Then 2020 happened and I found my routine ripped away and with that, I found didn’t have the patience to sit down and listen to these crazy long podcasts about the drama while I wasn’t doing something else. I used to listen to them while getting ready in the morning, running on the treadmill, driving etc., but I wasn’t doing a lot of that anymore. I had to slow down, and focus on myself and the people around me which broke my addiction. During the shut downs, I started developing deeper friendships and my understanding of holiness began to deepen and change. I began to realize something: it is so easy to jump to criticism and Deus Vult all over the internet over the latest clergy related scandal in the name of “righteous anger” or “fraternal correction.” It is much, much harder to accept the suffering with love that comes with being a part of a hurting Church. It is much harder to pray, and fast for those committing the scandal, without ranting or venting, but offering up the pain to God. Is there a time and place to correct in love? Is it okay to feel anger? Of course, but I think we all need to get better at pausing and praying and not letting the drama of the wider Church rob us of our peace and joy. These scandalous bishops/clergy know our complaints- spamming their social media is extremely unlikely to change their hearts, but you know what can? Prayer and fasting for the salvation of their souls with utter trust in the mercy of God.

I still consider myself a trad, but I keep the trad media and news to a minimum. I know what’s going on in the wider Church for the most part, but I am now much more focused on pulling out the freaking Red Wood forest that resides in my own eyes before point at Pope Francis or anyone else. I am more detached and I trust that God will work it out in the end. He will not leave us orphans. So yeah, I’m praying, receiving the sacraments, working on healing my own emotional wounds, and striving to love God and the people around me the best I can. I go to Latin Mass when I can, but it’s no big deal when I can’t. I have found way more peace removing myself from Catholic drama and focusing on my own sanctification and life to live.

Anyways, hope this resonates with someone who needs it. I will not respond to comments because I have a job, a life to live, and people to love. Peace!


Matt, as someone who has struggled with scrupulosity for a long time and is feeling called back to the church I just want to say thank you for this free book. God Bless you 🙏🏻


This was such a raw and powerful talk. Jesus said to St. Faustina, “Mercy is My greatest attribute.” We have forgotten to always show mercy ourselves, to our friends and enemies. I too quickly resort to tribal mentality and snarkiness, so I appreciate this gentle reminder to LOVE and SHOW MERCY


Beautifully said Matt.
Right before I watched this video, I saw part of the speech given by Joe Biden in Oklahoma and I thought "dear Lord destroy this guy!"
I have such a hard time praying for him and KH but you remind me that we NEED to pray for them, probably more than those we love.


"Take the blade of your anger and baptize it in the chest of the devil." - St. John Chrysostom


“He’d rather die than spend a lifetime without you!” Brilliant.


"Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness. In your compassion blot out my offense. O wash me more and more from my guilt and cleanse me from my sin." (Psalm 51) I pray that God will forgive us of our hypocrisy and teach us true charity. God bless you Matt


9:10 - It is at times like these, that I recall God lecturing Jonah as he sat, sulking under a tree, because God had pardoned Nineveh.


Matt, I’ve seen you at Steubenville conferences in the past and did youth ministry for 10 years. I’m now in social work for going on 7 years and can see the division and why it exists. I appreciate your real ness, admitting you struggle, and allowing people to see that we can faithfully believe and still struggle whether it’s mental health, certain sins, family challenges, etc we are all together in the struggle, yet our hope is Jesus. I like to say this as something the church needs to work on. When pregnant with my 1st child and working for the church so many people were so negative about how awful children are and that was within the church. When pregnant with my second and working for the state I was so loved and cherished and people were so excited and made my pregnancy happier and more prolife. One institution was conservative and the other liberal. If I felt the difference as a believer and fully practicing prolife Lover of Jesus and JP2, imagine the rest of secular society and their perspective! We need more honesty and openness about our struggles and to admit we are a work in progress and so is the church due to its humanity. Jesus and the church are bigger then all the politics. I’m praying for you and your ministry and family and appreciate your love of Jesus, good booze/coffee and the honesty. God Bless you brother and the guy struggling that you mentioned.


I said this to Steve on Twitter...

The fact that we can acknowledge our failings, in spite of our original intent & passions, is evidence that the Spirit is at work...calling us to deeper holiness. We are imperfect servants, tripping up on our own two stupid feet...ever stumbling toward Christ who is most merciful and just.


I am so grateful to have had the most wonderful priests and nuns in my life. I pray that all Catholics and Christians receive such mentors.


Thankyou Matt. I needed to hear this. Bless you mate from a fellow Aussie catholic living in the USA


I’m so grateful for this video. Thank You Matt for you vulnerability. Thank you for being so humbled by the majesty of God that it moves you to tears.


A couple thoughts during this heartfelt video:

First, let's remember that the Body of Christ includes many members of many kinds. Some will lean into His mercy, others into His justice. Some recall us to the spirit of love, others to the laws which express it in hope of clarity and reliability. We need all types. All can fail — but the problems are sin and weakness, not an individual's focus on one aspect of God's endless majesty.

Second, let's try to accept as much as we can from wayward and broken people. When someone is revealed to be faithless or wicked, it does not mean that everything associated with that person is now worthless or untrustworthy. Like Skojec, I was disturbed by some things regarding the Legion of Christ. But I was also impressed by many of them and respect their continued ministry preserved by Pope Benedict XVI (who also censured them). Perhaps a more relateable example is Bill Cosby, who was found guilty of predatory crimes, yet whose public works still stand on their own as good and fruitful stories.

As Bishop Barron often says, Catholicism is a "both/and", rather than an "either/or", religion in many respects. The Church includes both scoundrels and saints. An individual life can be both corrupt and holy by turns. Focus on Heaven and hope for earthly dealings will spring in your soul.

I'll join my prayer to yours, Matt, for our brother in pain.


The Church needs saints. If you're reading this, you were made to be a saint. Your friends need a saint in their life. Your family needs a saint in their lives. Christ offers you all that you need to be a saint. You are called to be a saint.

It is time to be the saint you were born to be.


I feel like Steve. Being stuck with the Church. Best I can do is eastern Catholic. That “ lord have mercy” when we pray for the pope at the beginning of liturgy comes from the heart.


I have fear God, and been exhausted by my thought of Him and I told him I’m afraid of you. I don’t know who you are.He replied are you afraid of love?.. a very educated and devout priest, friend of mine, told me mercy is Gods greatest attribute and mercy will have the last word.. I’m hanging everything I have on this




thank you brother..God bless you more for your great love to our catholic faith, like others our church is not perfect and still Gods love and mercy continue to bless and love us abundantly... May the Holy Spirit heal the heart and soul of the wounded...frm Philippines


I love the Gerard Manley Hopkins poem in the heading. Saw Steve's article a few days ago and have been praying for him.
