Why I Chose to Be A Nurse Instead of A Doctor

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Hey Nurse Fam! I get a lot of questions about people unsure whether nursing or being a doctor is for them. In this video I talk about my decision to become a nurse. Enjoy
XO Lexi



IG: @aalexisnicole

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My parents are doctors and I hate when people think that nurses are less than doctors. Everyone needs to know that nurses are so so amazing and are very hard working. Nurses are so so close to their patients which is crucial. Nurses are amazing!


i chose to wanting to be a Nurse instead of a doctor because i want to live and start my life earlier. some people may say it sounds crazy but i’m being 100%! doctors need 12 years of school and nurses need 4 and years of training. the second reason is because i feel like nurses are closer to their patients than doctors and i love it💓 i would love to be a NICU nurse...


I wanted to be a pediatrician first too but after being hospitalized for lupus seeing how much the nurses worked hard dealing with me and I barely saw the doctor helped make my decision to be a nurse


As a premed student, I’m constantly asked, “why not become a nurse?” Lol two completely different paths but I think nurses run the hospitals and are more one to one with patients.


“Why didn’t you become a doctor” I agree that it’s one of the WORST questions! 😩Like it is two very different pathways to become a nurse or to become a doctor 🤦🏾‍♀️ Like some people need to know the difference.


Here in Nigeria, some people even ask you "so, you will become a doctor after your degree?" And you have to start explaining how nursing is different from medicine. How they are two parallel lines. How our job descriptions are different.
Then after you get over that, they ask you "so, why not go for medicine instead of nursing?" And thats where you start rolling your eyes and re-explain the whole process.
Then they pray for you and say "God will promote you to be a doctor very soon"
I just die


Great video! I really enjoyed hearing a different perspective around what it means to care for patients in the hospital! Thanks for sharing!


This is so true
My dad is a doctor and when ever he comes home he has to write all these reports about the patients and he continuously gets Phone calls from the hospital and he has to answer them. I am not saying he never has time for his family but it’s a lot of commitment to become a doctor.
I could not agree more with you


Yessss!!! When I first started college I wanted to become a doctor but after sitting down and realizing how little they really interact with their patients and that’s one of the things I look forward to most about being a nurse. Having a family is also very important to me which is a lot more difficult to do while being a doctor. Another thing is that there are so many different routes that nurses can go and they can change their specialties whenever, doctors can’t.


As a medical student, I completely agree with and respect your decision! I prioritize my career first before a family because I want to create an environment that is financially stable for my kids, as well as develop my career and practice to the point where I'm not working all hours of the day. We need nurses just as much as we need doctors, so thank you for caring for other human beings. It's an honorable role in and of itself.


Girl. We go through a lot of science classes (bio, chem, A&P, microbiology...) in college too. It’s literally a degree in science. It’s just not at the same capacity as doctors or people pursuing med school, obviously because we aren’t preparing to practice medicine. We learn the foundational science plus all the psychosocial “caring” stuff nurses are known and praised for. Many people think nurses are “just” nurses and that we “aren’t smart enough” to become doctors & that is not it. Personally there’s no way in hell I’d be cool with the doctor lifestyle of taking home my work, like you said. Work is work, it’s not my life 🤷🏼‍♀️


I wanted to become a psychiatrist so badly but i knew I couldn't put myself through med school..So right now I'm majoring in nursing and I plan to become a psychiatric nurse practioner...literally the best of both worlds! & I hate when people ask me why I dont want to be a doctor..I know my limits and I know what i want. I feel like the nursing route is whats best for me and my goals.


Great video! In high school I decided that I wanted to become a doctor. I shadowed a pathologist and was sure that was what I wanted to do. Then I go off to college as a Biology major. It turns out that I loved some aspects of biology and hated the other. I hated chemistry and could not grasp the major concepts which I knew would have doomed me in Organic Chemistry which is a course all Med Schools require. I started shadowing and volunteering at a hospital in my college town and I slowly realized that I loved what nurses do. So here I am now waiting for my 2nd year of college to start as a pre nursing major. Hopefully I get in to nursing school. Keep up the great content!


Hi! I’m almost done with my bachelor’s in psychology and I’ve really been starting to consider nursing as a career, and applying to an accelerated BSN program. I’ve been watching your videos and it’s been confirming a lot of my thoughts and feelings. Especially when you brought up the fact that your priority is going to be having a family so the strict shift schedule is important, that is exactly how I’ve been looking at my life. I just wanted to say thank you for all you’re doing, as a nurse and as a YouTuber!


I never really knew it was extremely rude to ask a nurse this question. I just graduated high school so I usually asked “how did you decide nursing was the one rather than being a doctor?” because I’m not entirely sure which path I want to pursue. I appreciate you for enlightening me to this, because I’d hate to be coming off as rude without even knowing it.


I wanna be a nurse, but I have a long way to go, I’m only 11. :/


For us guys, that question is asked 10x more, here's what I say to people:

Life is like a Box of chocolates. There's so many different choices. I just chose one that suited all my needs. And I like it, it was a super tasty choice 😁


SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE AT THE BACK! i'm in nursing school right now and i can't believe how many people have asked me "why i didn't go all the way?" already. So many people underestimate what nurses do but the psychosocial aspect is just as important as the more biomedical stuff that doctors do.


I had the EXACT same reasoning!! I initially wanted to become a pediatrician as well and I am now going into my senior year of nursing school to become a pediatric nurse! Love love love everything u said, literally took the words right out of my mouth 😄 I also get asked that question all the time about why i didn’t wanna go further and become an MD and I couldn’t agree with you more about how different Nursing is and all of its amazing perks that u mentioned. Thank u for being awesome! 🙌


Peace be to you! I'm a new subscriber! I was in Nursing school about 25 years ago whilst working as a CNA! The Lord had different plans for me! I'm glad you mentioned asking "why didn't you become a doctor" question😬! I think you stated really good reasons for being a Nurse! I don't think the general public understand the FULL range of things that Nurses can do (e.g. education, research, administration, business, etc.). It really is a dynamic profession! My mother is a retired Nurse (worked for 43 years!). She practiced such a wide range of specialties (e.g. NICU, Geriatrics, Hospice, etc.)! I work with groups of OUTSTANDING Nurses and NPs. What do you think about Master's degree in NP being phased out in lieu of Doctorates (DNP)? I wish you the VERY best of succes in your positive endeavors!🤓