What Question Should You Ask Non-Christian Friends?

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If you notice that a discussion with an atheist doesn't lead anywhere, it is time to ask an important question.
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"MOST PEOPLE AREN'T ON A TRUTH QUEST, BUT ARE ON A HAPPINESS QUEST." I've heard Frank say it often, and I've got to say it's true. The irony is, however, that if you put the pursuit of truth FIRST in your life, then you will eventually find true and lasting happiness!


“When the student is ready the teacher will appear.” love that 🙏


"When the student is ready the teacher will appear". Thats going straight into my journal of quotes!


This happened to me at work. The one guy that picked on me & other Christians mocked us, told on us, picked fights with us. One day he did not show up for work, one of his friends told us the Doctors gave him about three months to live, (full of cancer) they could not even find the host he had it everywhere. We (Christians) went to the hospital to see him to weep with him, tell him we are there for him. We gave him some cartoon Bible Tracts as we left, before he died. He went out of his way to talk to us, to wave at us as he saw us. I heard from his wife he did seek the Lord or maybe "religion" before he past away. Remember they are still blind, & need the gospel.


He makes a good point. At the same time, I'd add to it that "what I say isn't nearly as important as who I am." If people see me living a life of love and peace, even in the midst of hatred and turmoil, they will see my gentle example for their lives. It's up to them to choose what life they wish to live - not me.


Love Frank Turek's ministry! I've learned so much from him and other apologists. I recently decided to even start my own apologetics channel as I strive to pursue truth, and to share it with others.


Bro I was questioning this today and this video popped up right after. God is really leading me thank u god


But does Frank understand why the atheist wouldn't become a Christian... He should he's been told the reasons often enough but he refuses to tell his sheep those reasons. He asked if they would become a christian, they would believe in a god but that does not mean that they would worship the christian god and therefore actual be a christian. This is where Frank and so many other theist prove that they are wholly dishonest. Because the a reasonable answer was given to the question that they asked. Because the question was not would you believe in a god. Just because you believe a a god does not mean that you have to follow that god. In fact if the christian god actual exists, then I would actively fight against that god because that god is highly immoral. I'm not going to become a christain when I find the christian god to be highly immoral, that's not rational.

We do not want to be gods we do not think we are gods, we simply have no reason to believe that gods exist. Even if you prove that a god exists that doesn't mean that we have to listen to anything that this god says. Belief is not the same as blind worship.


That answer was the best possible response and I think it’s true. As a Christian people will watch you and so be a good example to them. They might see something that they will also want for themselves


This is by far the best Frank Turek video! God bless him.


It's not about wanting to be God of my own life.

I went on a pursuit of truth having been a Christian my whole life. I found no evidence for God. I have no desire to become a Christian again but if I at any stage become convinced that a God exists then, as Hitchens would say, I still have all my work ahead of me.

If God is real, what is its nature? Which, if any, of the religious doctrines of the world are true?

If the God of the Bible exists then I don't think I'd want to worship him if the Bible is true.

I don't what God to not exist because I want to be able to lower my own standards. If God exists then I would expect God to have standards that are, at the very least, higher than my own. And I don't see that in the God of the Bible.


Interesting never thought of that before


If they don't want to hear about God they shouldn't be your friend.
Your job is to proclaim the goodness of God and how He has been working in your life. If they walk away then let them walk away, Jesus said if they would listen to Him then they'll listen to you, and if they reject you because of Him it's not you they're rejecting it's Him, shake the dust off your feet and keep walking the path He is leading you on.

The thing is that the people will not come unless the Father draws them. People who hate God cannot come to Him because their hatred for Him will not allow them to.


"If you notice that a discussion with an atheist doesn't lead anywhere, it is time to ask an important question."

It might not lead anywhere because the Christian will make a bunch of claims, the atheist will ask the Christian if they can present evidence to prove their claims, and the Christian is not able to.


Frank Turek is a very intellectual individual, I love his work. That’s why I’m going to see him in Baltimore this evening


Amen, when the student is ready the teacher will appear ❤


If Christianity were proven true, it would be irrational to deny it. However, it would be perfectly rational to not become Christian. Christianity is more than just a truth claim. It is an ideology, way of life, and religion of dogma. You can accept that Christianity is true without choosing to worship a god who sends people to hell for not living up to his standards and for refusing to accept his blood sacrifice as a gift. I have enough proof that Nazi Germany existed, but that mere fact is not enough to make me want to be a Nazi.

Secondly, when atheists have problems, we don't actively look for Christians to talk to. We talk to anyone who can help us and give us comfort. I don't know any atheist who would be like "stuff just happens and there's no reason for anything so f u." I think that an atheist would probably do what they can to help someone because we believe that you only have one life which is finite and it would be horrible for you to spend it suffering.

And while you, Frank Turek, are posting videos about how to convert atheists to your religion, millions of people are dying from starvation, disease, poor sanitation, natural disasters, etc. Just think: if every church in America donated 10% of their income to charity, how much of a positive difference would Christianity make on the world? Yet, Christianity's message is to attack the atheists, attack the Muslims, attack gays and lesbians, deny science, fight wars, build walls, prepare for the rapture, and wait for the world to die. Atheists are "hostile, " right?

Disclaimer: Frank, I know you don't believe all of these things, but your group does. Before you point the finger at atheists, make sure that your group isn't just as bad. John 8:7


"When the student is ready the teacher will
appear." Nice


If I proved Darth Vader existed, would you became a Sith?


But you must remember that some people will never change, you can't hold that against your soul. The way to destruction is broad for a reason, most people will want to choose it. You can't cast pearls towards swine and expect them to appreciate it.
