What is Sphinx tiling? Explain Sphinx tiling, Define Sphinx tiling, Meaning of Sphinx tiling
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~~~ Sphinx tiling ~~~
Title: What is Sphinx tiling? Explain Sphinx tiling, Define Sphinx tiling, Meaning of Sphinx tiling
Created on: 2018-10-12
Description: In geometry, the sphinx tiling is a tessellation of the plane using the "sphinx", a pentagonal hexiamond formed by gluing six equilateral triangles together. The resultant shape is named for its reminiscence to the Great Sphinx at Giza. A sphinx can be dissected into any square number of copies of itself, some of them mirror images, and repeating this process leads to a non-periodic tiling of the plane. The sphinx is therefore a rep-tile . It is one of few known pentagonal rep-tiles and is the only known pentagonal rep-tile whose sub-copies are equal in size.
Title: What is Sphinx tiling? Explain Sphinx tiling, Define Sphinx tiling, Meaning of Sphinx tiling
Created on: 2018-10-12
Description: In geometry, the sphinx tiling is a tessellation of the plane using the "sphinx", a pentagonal hexiamond formed by gluing six equilateral triangles together. The resultant shape is named for its reminiscence to the Great Sphinx at Giza. A sphinx can be dissected into any square number of copies of itself, some of them mirror images, and repeating this process leads to a non-periodic tiling of the plane. The sphinx is therefore a rep-tile . It is one of few known pentagonal rep-tiles and is the only known pentagonal rep-tile whose sub-copies are equal in size.