You're welcome: Heathers West End Cast Lyrics

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Heathers the Musical UK
Original West End Cast Recording Lyrics

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This is exactly how schools expect boys to react when they see a girls shoulders


For the people who say that this song justifies JD’s actions more than Blue, I have this to say: Regardless of the tone of the song, it’s STILL attempted rape regardless of which song you’re listening to. Blue being more comedic than this one doesn’t change that. It also doesn’t change the fact that JD only killed Kurt and Ram because they made Veronica cry. From what I’ve seen of the lines before “Our Love Is God, ” Veronica doesn’t say to JD that Kurt and Ram tried to rape her. So it’s still wrong in both versions. As for Veronica saying they could’ve turned out good people, it’s the same argument that I used initially.


lyrics make me uncomfortable but damn it sounds good


Considering that this was for the high school version of the musical, I think it fits but in a different manner. Blue is raunchy but it’s more geared towards adults and mature audiences so it makes sense. Yeah there is a sense of uncomfortableness but it is still a funny song. You’re Welcome is much different. The message is supposed to be made clear for high schoolers who are about to be adults. Sexual assault is not funny and should not be seen as funny. Both songs work for their respective versions and I think they should be appreciated.


As a victim of s/a /someone who’s been in almost the same situation as Veronica. THIS SONG SLAPS, BLUE AND YOURE WELCOME 🔛🔝


You’re welcome:
Other people: Moana
Me, an intellectual: Heathers


as a song, i like this a lot more than blue, but in the context of the musical blue works way better.


I think Blue and Your Welcome are both good and both songs accomplish what they're trying to do. Blue is supposed to be funny raunchy, and it does that. It makes you laugh and you sing it with a group of people who you're having fun with. Blue shows Kurt and Ram as just stupid dumb teens, not really a threat. Your Welcome however is the opposite. This song has a much darker tone and it's supposed to be scary, and it does that. It makes you feel uncomfortable. It gives this feeling of dread. It shows Kurt and Ram as being dangerous. It does show them as assaulters and not stupid teens. That's why I love this song, it shows sexual assault for what it is, it shows that yes, it is dangerous. But the hard reality is that's how alot of teenage boys are.


Schools: this is why we dont let girls show shoulders
Teen boys : she has shoulders?


...Wow. I thought "blue" was bad, but this one made me cheer for Veronica to kill them :-)


People are saying that this makes JD look too sympathetic, but the original musical kinda did that too. Remember when it was really popular and everyone romanticized JD & Veronica? At least west end added "I Say No" which makes it obvious that it's abusive. And it's good that they aren't portraying sexual assault as funny!


dont mind me, just gonna learn the lyrics

*to every part*


I will genuinely never be over the fact that I got cast to play Ram in a production of Heathers before the pandemic hit and the show got cancelled. I would have absolutely BODIED this song 😭


therapist: british kurt and ram don't exist, they can't hurt you:
british kurt and ram:


"Squosed" is now part of my vocabulary


So this song is okay, but the problem I’ve always saw with it is how threatening it truly is. A criticism of Blue is how it makes light of sexual assault and rape since the song’s purpose is comedic. While I do agree that the show and the fandom handles the whole date rape too lightly, I don’t think this song fixes anything.

In fact, it causes more problems. It introduces this whole “girls are asking for it based on what they wear”, which, personally, is more threatening by itself than Blue ever was. Kurt and Ram in You’re Welcome are already justifying their sexual assault or rape. Blue was two drunk teenagers who wouldn’t take no for an answer, albeit a problem in of itself.

The importance of how threatening these songs feel is big in interpreting this musical. This show and its fandom has romanticized JD as a misunderstood character who sees himself as protecting Veronica. I personally prefer interpreting this JD similarly to the movie’s version.

I do not think JD truly loves Veronica. He could have very strong feelings about her, maybe lust of some sort, but I do not think his mental state allows him to truly love another person. It’s like in I Say No. He is using this “love” to justify him killing people.

JD is the enemy of this show. Justifying any one of his actions is a slippery slope with real life consequences.

You’re Welcome implies that JD was almost justified in killing these guys. We as the audience want to see these guys punished. The portrayal of Kurt and Ram in Blue, due to its lack of real threatening lyrics, is much less horrible. They are stupid teenage boys who, while are not taking “no” for an answer, are not doing anything until they can change that no into a yes. They could have changed and gotten more mature. There are plenty of people that were terrible in high school who learned from their mistakes and became better people.

That’s what was so tragic about killing Heather C and Kurt and Ram. No one knew if they could have changed themselves. The musical shows that JD’s decision was the wrong one, but adding this song complicates that.

Implying JD is justified in killing Kurt and Ram only further romanticizes the character, which is a very dangerous precedent for relationships in the audience’s lives. While everyone would say, “oh I obviously wouldn’t stay with someone if they were killing people”, that’s just an extreme. If you romanticize JD, you might subconsciously drawn to people like JD. You’re justifying bursts of anger towards your significant other, lying to them to achieve their own goal, and manipulating them to do exactly what you want them to do.


i love this song sm but it’s painful how much i relate to this song 😭


Great beat. Great chorus. Terrifying. I miss Blue.


i like this song more as it’s more catchier and it shows what some boys are like. but in context on heathers, blue works better as it shows that jd genuinely is crazy


Blue works better, but this song is still really good (and scary)
