How I Discovered The Ashed Tinder Technique

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Shortly after I started experimenting with Boggycreekbeast's Rudiger Roll Technique, I took a failed cotton and ashes Rudiger Roll and lit just the very corner of it with a BIC and it completely burned to ashes. That intrigued me and I wanted to see if other ashes impregnated tinders would act the same way. I tried leaves, grass, pine needles, Tulip Poplar Bark, cloth, etc and indeed, they too transformed into extraordinary spark catching coal extenders. If you'd like to see some of my first experiments, please check out my Ashed Tinder Playlist. The Link is below. The oldest one that I still have is from May 7, 2016. There were earlier videos, but I deleted them for lack of views.
So the above I talk about in my intro, and then I move on to reconciling the mistake I made in my last video that a Subscriber clued me in on. That is, my big fat Pine Needles tinder bundle that I was trying to solar ignite with the polished bottom of a soda can was blocking too much of the Sun. A Dah! moment for me for sure. In this video, I used a thin spear to hold the small bundle of ashed pine needles and got ignition in JUST seconds. LOL!!! Now that I have you thoroughly confused, come check it all out for clarity's sake. Please SUBSCRIBE at the end of the video. Thanks!

Ashed Tinder Playlist
Using Ashes, You Can Solar Ignite ANY Tinder With A Water Bottle, PART 2/2
Coal Extender. Apply Ashes To Tinders and Grow the Weakest Sparks Into Flames
The Magic of Applied Ashes... How To Make Super Tinder
Ashed Tinder, Comparing The Ashed With The Nonashed
Coal Extender, Wood Ashes Turning Tinders Into Super Coal Extenders
Ashed Tinder, We're not limited to just Bracket Fungus and Punk Wood for coal extenders anymore
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When you think about it it makes sense that ashes would readily ignite, they're already "charred" so to speak. I know there has been times when I took ashes from a fireplace and the ashes themselves would ignite and smolder in the ash bucket.
So adding ash to the tinder, by hindsight, kind of makes sense.
Thanks for the tip.


Whether they mention you or not, you have saved many people from freezing to death, thirsting, or even starving to death. You're doing a great service to many people. Thank you, Mr. West.


Thank David I'm going to try this I've been have trouble with the solor can technology


I want to thank you, David, for teaching me the fire roll technique. The first thing I did after that was impart that skill to a friend, who was thoroughly impressed. Your other videos on the hand drill brought the fire roll to my attention, and I had never seen anyone do that. Therefore, to me it was your videos that taught me that skill, but it was an extra treat learning about Boggycreekbeast and checking his videos out. Acknowledging your teachers leads to others being able to walk in your footprints and following a branching path, and so leads to even more greatness.
Thank you from a biologist and teacher from Sweden.


When it comes to primitive fire experiments your channel is the real deal David!
Please keep ´em coming, they are very instructive for so many...


That's interesting. Never knew. I'll have to try this.


I am just fascinated with the knowledge you have its a art .every time I watch i learn something I missed before .thank you for spending your time showing every one how knows it could save somebody's life


David.. on a recent trip to our family ranch, I had some time to try out what I have learned from you. I am totally amazed. It made me way more successful with flint and steel, using ashes punk wood that was partially lit on fire briefly then snuffed out. I was able to start a fire on command as long as I had appropriate fire material waiting in the wings. Anyway, you are a great teacher and you have given me and now others in our family a very useful skill. Thanks so much for all you do.


David: love your videos. Learning so much


In the history of man, they have thought of ideas and did experiments. Then through the generations someone else will continue the idea and expand on it. Everybody should be recognized for their contributions. I thank you for sharing the knowledge.


Thank you, I know where I learned this from. You are a master, we who know about it, know.


That is slick as a whistle with the ashes in the pine needle ball. Such a clear difference. You've really helped me appreciate the value of ashes!


Just want to let you know having watched most of your videos that you are greatly appreciated. Through your trial & errors you have pioneered many techniques that I'm sure will be emulated for years to come.


That is crazy! You are the fire master dude!!!


David West David West .... You taught me several techniques using objects I had not considered. David West David West. Thank You!!


That’s a real game changer.Thanks for the work 👍


Hi David, you sent me back to your Ashed Tinder Playlist for your previous experiments / demonstrations on this. I'm impressed and kind of amazed. I wish I understood the principle that makes this work - fully burned ash should be non-combustible so I'm not sure I understand how this works so well. That said, I don't really need to know why or how, just that it does! :D Many thanks for ALL your videos (ps I even found two vids with your backyard birds)!


Now that we know you came up with Ashed Tinder...everyone knows to give you credit. Very awesone discovery!!! I really like your videos. I just discovered you early August 2018.


They should def mention you. I owe you for most of my infatuation with primitive fire. Its because of your channel I have a hobo stove and make my neighbors wonder why there is a large man in his yard rubbing sticks together and lighting up pine needles, especially when they see me with my magnifying glass on a sunny day blowing birds nests to flame lol I have yet to explain to them what I'm doing.


I bet sparks come out when you snap your fingers. Very happy that I found you.
