Reversing around a corner. Tutorial, how to

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To reverse around a corner is something that some people avoid since they think it is too difficult. If you follow the instructions in this movie you will learn how to do it without any problems.

Important when you reverse a car:
1. Keep a close watch on what is going on around your car.
2. Drive slowly (edge) and stop if you feel that something is wrong.

Don't edge along for more than a couple of minutes at a time. The clutch becomes hot and needs to cool down before you try again.


Parking, reversing around a corner. Tutorial, how to

Place your car straight along the side curb.

Stop so that you have a good distance from the curb.

Position the steering wheel straight forward and put your left hand on the top middle of it (“12 o’clock”).

Turn your head around. Find an object placed straight behind you and start reversing.

Look around frequently. Stop if you feel that things happen to quickly.

Check that the right rear wheel follows the curb corner. The rest of the car will just follow.

Stretch your neck and check your position in the right wing mirror.

There you will see the edges of your right rear wing and the curb.

Look also through the right rear window. (The rear wheel is placed just behind the back seat.)

Look for an object placed in the direction you wish to go and aim at it.

Steer the wheels straight and put your left hand on the top middle of the steering wheel.

Check the distance to the curb in the right wing mirror and correct the position of your car, if necessary.

Stop at least 10 meters into the street where you park.

Well done!
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