Art Vlog | Highs & Lows In the Studio | Lion Painting

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I'm starting a new painting and it's a difficult one! Plus all the things I'm trying to improve my art.



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Even though it's one of the most normal parts of the process, it's always refreshing to see an artist share the setbacks. It grounds oneself as an external observer and builds a small sense of community. Most people usually just skip over those parts because they think it'll be boring, but I always find them instructive.


I just love the honesty in the 'journey' your artwork takes - how long to find a reference photo, the set-up and layout of everything, painting over your work, etc, . It makes me realise that there is a long process in a piece of artwork, and they don't happen by five minutes of magic like some artists try to show. Thanks for the great channel.


I love how you can vision thru all the steps you go thru. It's amazing.


Oh dear Daniel we all have these times when we can’t paint what we have in our minds. I admire your honesty and look forward to seeing more. Have a good week 🥰


Сегодня у меня был трудный день.... И тут ваше видео, оно вдохновило меня создавать новые рисунки красками и выпускать видео на Ютуб ❤🥹❤️


Last video, I told you to make a lion. And now, I'm seeing a lion. Thank you


You are the one that knows what it is that is right for you and for the painting. It is also good for your viewers to know this happens more than most people know. It is better to start over now than wait and waste more time on it. You are doing great! I hope you don't feel you have to put out a painting just to make us all happy. Do what you need to do and your true viewers will get the message and keep watching. This was a good leson to learn. 👍


Firstly, fantastic videos, they are great for inspiration and to just watch for enjoyment. As far as pumping out a painting like this in a few days for a video, I would happily watch you paint this entire painting over a 4+ part series where you can go into even more detail about your thought processes, techniques, etc.. I have watched your hour+ long lion eye video multiple times now. Even a "kinda start over failure" such as this is fantastic to watch and learn. I am excited to see where this will take you next!


Hi Daniel! Big fan of your videos. Rookie artist here and enjoy all your helpful tips/techniques you graciously share. I also prime my canvases with gesso (3-4 coats)and have a 4 inch roller that speeds up this process and keep the roller in a small plastic baggie to keep it wet while the layers dry. Then one clean up of the roller and done! Quick and easy!


The lion was looking great to me. But I understand how you want it to be perfect for you. Can't wait to see how you do it.


Starting with paint by numbers as a child I can honestly say I have been painting all my life ( now 73 yrs old). Mostly self taught until TV artist & Youtube came along. Being a horse crazy little girl and now adult I wanted my horses to look as real as possible. I have since branched out to other subjects and am currently trying to paint everyday to hone my skills by painting still lifes.
It is a joy to watch you paint and listen to your narrative. Thank you so much for your gift of sharing your painting adventures with us.


I loved the photo above the one you chose. Loved the sunlight hittig the lion's face..


I love the way you do your craft.. You are amazing artist. Honestly I wanna be like you. But I cannot be like you overnight


Looks great by the way even if your not liking the direction it’s taking


Well I wish I didn't have to wait to see the adjustment but ok I'll wait...❤


Man his work is just so tedious one, look up for a reference photo for the painting, Then paint it on the canvas like that type of work is just gonna take a heck a lot of time though. Well we appreciate your work we are with you 😊


One of my mentors told me a couple weeks ago, don't overwork your wildlife. Boom. Simple advice. I went into my studio and realised I do overpaint because I have no clear idea of when to stop. Possibly why I lije/hate commissions 😂. I feel the pain. Perhaps staring more and painting less...


Did you tried Watercolor pencils or pastel pencils for grid lines? They go away much easier than regular pencillines.


I love all these reference photos . But really pleased you picked that one Daniel . I can see the intense concentration on the lion's face . Is he weighing up a young usurper to his pride ? Watching the lionesses take down theirs and his prey ? Or maybe the time of year to choose his next queen ? Really looking forward to this one 😊


Aslanları ve kaplanları 50 yıldır bilen ve çizen biriyim..Benim.böyle bir video kanalım yok, ayrıca resimi çok beğendiğimi söylemeliyim..Videodaki görüntüler resimin son hali mi bilemiyorum?Ancak, sadece sağ göz, görülüyor olsa da göz çukuru biraz daha büyük olmalıydı..Bıyıklar da daha belirgin olmalı diye düşündüm..Kanalı takibe devam edelim, üstad kutluyorum, fikrimi söyledim umarım yanlış anlaşılmam..🖌️🎨🦁👍👏❤️🇹🇷😊
