What New Players Get Wrong: Types Of Damage (Warframe)

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The Dark Side Has Muffins (°∀°) IGN: superbot34

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I will probably make some educational type short videos on the damage system some other time, mostly for the wiki, but for now i just want to focus on what i see players not understanding or getting wrong when they just start out.


That's a rather raspy voiced Lotus lel


I spent full nights on the wiki learning the damage system and other general things. I started by learning physical damage, and weapon typing. So as a new player, I had bows... because I like bows. I would take the Paris against the Grineer and the Cernos against the Corpus. Once I got those damages down, then I started with elements. And the rest just kinda snowballed.

However, I do agree - there is a lot of stuff in game that should be explained, and since Lotus calls herself your friend and guide, she should friendly guide you to the codex and tell you about it, and it's function. You even gave the example of how Nef Anyo... the guy who created a damn near invincible bot, and is a con artist is a better teacher than Lotus. That's pretty sad.


Even I get this shit wrong. Alloy vs. Ferrite armor... they need an orange healthbar or something to distinguish the two because both are yellow =_=


Good lotus interpretation

I remember the old towers and being an MR5 noob carried through 40 waves of defense, i put magnetic on everything because I saw shields to be an extra HP bar, so I thought corpus with a shield drone regenerating them had more EHP than a Heavy gunner because I saw two bars. And for the longest time I didnt notice the healers made the corpus I was targeting seem much beefier than they actually were.

Another friend got all the way to MR 12 and strred doing content where their weapons would really fall off, so they come to me (MR19 at this point) and ask what all the numbers mean because they kind just were making assumptions the whole time. And they told me one of thier assumptions was "Impact = damage right?" Ill never forget this. i spent about an hour going all the true intricacies of DPS and after that he took... a long break


Don't forget "Status chance? Ow, i understood! My weapon will deal elem damage only when status procs!"


I would have loved this when I started out, took me a few months to understand damage and actually use codex scanners.
+1 for this in game suggestion.


a clanmate of mine was mr 6, but they don't know damage types. we told them to open the wiki but they didn't listen. so we kicked them. i learned the damage system while i was installing the game


Yeah, I feel like there should be tutorial videos that pop up as you unlock various parts of your ship. Like when you get the mod segment, it should explain what mods are, how to apply them, and how damage works. I've seen so many people bring silly elemental combinations, like blast-electric (on a weapon with no real status chance) against Grineer, or toxin against Infested. I learned this stuff quick because I'm addicted to reading wikis, but I don't think a lot of people are, and a wiki shouldn't be the main source of a player's information about game mechanics (unless that wiki is run by the developers)


Moral of the story, use the codex? Seems that a lot of confusion and problems could be fixed with more codex integration/more encouragement to use the codex.


*Gets pre-nerf Tonkor* What's damage? I just shoot and they all get 100k+ yellow crits..


The first time i learn about damage type was after i scanning everything and check enemy weaknesses via codex


It's true. I read this on the wiki when i was installing the game, but I wouldn't have known otherwise. Warframe is a huge infodump and a lot of it isn't signposted.


Your Logo makes me say in my mind : Another Colony needs your help.


I always found Warframe Profiles to be enjoyable to watch, and they do their job right. They just have to do that with mechanics.


heck i am 3 years in and only recently realy changed my loadouts, before that i just had a corrosive loudout for void/grineer/infested and magnetic for corpus.

The worst thing about that, is that it worked. i never realy had to think about elements because up to the 40s you can basicly use anything you like


I remember when I started the game I put radiation on everything because of the confusion


this also includes the criticals right?

because players may think that criticals are headshots because in other games Criticals are headshots.

therefore players will be confused after seeing a critical % which they may think that its affected by accurcy.


Holy fuck! Well I just learned something new about the game.


Are you planning on doing a playthrough from the very beginning? (Up to a point, of course)
