Depression & Bipolar Myths Part 6, Psychology with Dr. John Breeding & Anna Miller

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Depression & Bipolar Myths Part 6, Psychology with Dr. John Breeding & Anna Miller

Dr. John Breeding, Ph.D. Psychologists talks with Anna Miller, the founder and CEO of The Depression Project about recovery from depression and bipolar mental disorders. Is the solution really in conventional psychiatry or are there myths about mental illness which prevent people from honestly recovering.

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This video was produced by Psychetruth

Music by
Jimmy Gelhaar

Copyright © Target Public Media LLC 2010. All Rights Reserved.

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Depression is a self reinforcing feedback loop, a matter of perspective creating reality. For me the answer is activity. Force yourself to do something fun, even if it seems pointless.


here is a dr. talking in a very balanced and honest way about bi polar disorder, including the difficulty seperating it from the mood changes we all go through


I'm dealing with depression everyday-today it was particularly heavy-its a gloomy, hopeless feeling-life feels impossible, it's like weaving in & out of a nightmare that doesn't make sense-things that help me are exercise, yoga, jogging, strength exercise, nutrition, self expression, (for me singing, chanting helps), quality intellectual stimulation-discussing it with open minded, compassionate people who wont take advantage of you-many people operate under a cloak of benevolence, it has to be right-


@BRONXPEPE Thanks for reminding me of that. And yes, you're right. Some of us may need a "bad day" ... just to experience the feelings.


My own experiences w/ mental illness are like a mirror image of what you described, if the mirror was cracked & broken= similar in many ways, but all mixed up concerning the details.I was one of the Ritalin kids during the late 80's and until the mid-90's, while at the same time self-medicating to cancel out the side-effects of Ritalin from 7th grade until graduating (barely) from high school.Then came the Dexedrine after flunking my freshman year at college.Quit that & the Dope Gateway opened!!


I have a lot of creative exercises and expressions that I've devised for myself to get myself out of the pit of depression and inertia I'd like to contribute to any one who could use them--Some are unconventional, others are variations of things that already exist--I think some of my methods can help some others may be different but for me my activities and exercises help--


thanks for the advice I'll check out the calcium citrate--magnesium citrate---Nutrition helps--but for me it isn't simply nutrition it is various factors--social, economic, environmental---relationships---but I'll check up on thses nutrients-


@BRONXPEPE I can relate to your comment, altho I no longer experience what you described.I freed myself by really going inward (the spiritual practice "Satsang" helped me quite a bit).The idea is that I stopped judging myself and others.Thus, no one can put down my ideas because I don't interpret their comments as good or bad, for example.I just do my thing and observe, and of course, love without condition.


It may be too late for this, and I certainly don't know if it's possible, but you need change the title to say "Part 5" instead of "Part 6." I spent about five minutes looking for Part 5 after I'd watched parts 1 through 4.


I want to share a dietary discovery I made-a food that lifts my mood & is also incredibly healthy-Coconut oil & Coconut Butter-the best kind is organic, raw, unrefined--I have been getting the brand "Artisana" from whole foods-do a google, or youtube search on how beneficial coconut oil is-coconut butter also-the problem is that it is about 10$ for 16oz.-not something that fits very easily in someone's budget especially if they are economically disadvantaged like many sufferers of depression are.


wow he looks really interested in her significant story T-T.


you are explaining how enviroment can psychologically can vause symtoms that can be seen as bi polar. Is that not a good use of psychology and an example where you are using it to explain an alternative view to explain why people have these dramatic mood swings? A good psychologist or any mental health professional will be very observant of family etc. issue and that experience in this case would slow a diagnosis and make one very careful in making that diagnosis.
