Quantum Machine Learning from Algorithms to Hardware | Qiskit Seminar Series w/ Sona Najafi
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Quantum Machine Learning from Algorithms to Hardware
Qiskit Seminar Series Episode 116 with Sona Najafi
Speaker: Sona Najafi
Host: Dr. Zlatko Minev
Quantum machine learning has become one of the most progressing fields of quantum technology with applications in quantum optimization, quantum chemistry as well as quantum simulation. In this talk first I will review three distinct domains of quantum machine learning. Consequently, I will introduce novel quantum generative/variational algorithms based on quantum many-body localized (MBL) dynamics and show that it is capable of learning a toy dataset consisting of patterns of MNIST handwritten digits, quantum data obtained from quantum many-body states, and non-local parity data. I will theoretically prove that the MBL generative model possesses more expressive power than classical models, and the introduction of hidden units boosts its learning power. Finally, I will discuss quantum neuromorphic computing that capitalizes on inherent system dynamics and introduce the universal quantum perceptron (QP) based on interacting qubits with tunable coupling constants. By adding tunable single-qubit rotations to the QP, I will demonstrate that a QP can realize universal quantum computation, which contrasts sharply with the limited computational complexity of a single classical perceptron.
Sona Najafi is a research scientist at IBM quantum. Her main research interests lie at the interface of quantum many-body physics, quantum computing, and quantum machine learning with applications in quantum simulation, quantum generative/variational algorithms as well as quantum neuromorphic computing. Prior to joining IBM quantum, she was a research fellow at Harvard and Caltech. She is also the winner of the Google quantum award in 2019 and Goggle early hardware access in 2020.
Qiskit Seminar Series Episode 116 with Sona Najafi
Speaker: Sona Najafi
Host: Dr. Zlatko Minev
Quantum machine learning has become one of the most progressing fields of quantum technology with applications in quantum optimization, quantum chemistry as well as quantum simulation. In this talk first I will review three distinct domains of quantum machine learning. Consequently, I will introduce novel quantum generative/variational algorithms based on quantum many-body localized (MBL) dynamics and show that it is capable of learning a toy dataset consisting of patterns of MNIST handwritten digits, quantum data obtained from quantum many-body states, and non-local parity data. I will theoretically prove that the MBL generative model possesses more expressive power than classical models, and the introduction of hidden units boosts its learning power. Finally, I will discuss quantum neuromorphic computing that capitalizes on inherent system dynamics and introduce the universal quantum perceptron (QP) based on interacting qubits with tunable coupling constants. By adding tunable single-qubit rotations to the QP, I will demonstrate that a QP can realize universal quantum computation, which contrasts sharply with the limited computational complexity of a single classical perceptron.
Sona Najafi is a research scientist at IBM quantum. Her main research interests lie at the interface of quantum many-body physics, quantum computing, and quantum machine learning with applications in quantum simulation, quantum generative/variational algorithms as well as quantum neuromorphic computing. Prior to joining IBM quantum, she was a research fellow at Harvard and Caltech. She is also the winner of the Google quantum award in 2019 and Goggle early hardware access in 2020.