Toddler NOT Eating Enough | How to Get Toddlers to Eat without Pushing More Food

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Many parents come to me with the concern that their toddler is not eating enough.

Toddlers go through lots of changes. From picky eating to a slowing down in growth, it can be hard to know if your toddler is eating enough.

In this video, I’m reviewing what to expect with toddler eating, and how to know if your toddler is not eating enough. I’ll also cover what you can do if your toddler isn’t eating enough, especially how to get toddlers to eat with pushing them.

Because toddlers have expected changes in their development, some of which are totally normal, and others of which can be a red flag for something bigger.

Let’s help you know what’s normal and what’s not, along with how to help your toddler if they’re not eating enough.

AND HEY -- If you want to learn more about nutrition for your toddler and help other parents learn too, be sure to hit the follow button, like this video, and comment below!

Let’s get going!

For more information about helping toddlers eat well, check out my website, The Nourished Child!

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A Couple of Announcements:

This channel provides general advice. It does not offer individualized nutrition interventions, instructions, or counseling. Please consult with your primary healthcare provider with health concerns or for medical advice.

The description may contain affiliate links to products I recommend as a pediatric dietitian and nutritionist. If you choose to use these links, this channel may earn affiliate commissions at no additional cost to you. I appreciate your support!
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What worries you the most about your toddler's eating?


Thank you madam: 🙂
1. Trust the toddlers Barometer
2. Feed them 3 meals + 3 snacks per day
3. Make sure to Give them variety of foods.
4. Keep things pleasant and be positive.
5. Let them be independent with eating.
Don't do
1. Do not interfere
2. Don't get upset and show them ur anger


I've watched every one of these picky eating videos and not one of them actually addresses picky eating. When my 2 year old pushes his tray away and states he's all done and then has a tantrum in front of the fridge until he gets chicken nuggets again, that is the reality of picky eating. My son will start screaming if he even sees me getting something he doesn't want out of the fridge.


Hello Jill, thank you for this video. Apparently, as parents, we are screwing up left and right. Definitely doing all the "No's". Ah... The main struggle with us is the restrictive eating. She only eats 4 things. No matter the variations of foods that we give her that include those 4 things, she sticks to the same old. Sometimes she might even refuse that. Eating has become... this awful chore for everyone, and I feel so guilty! 😟


Thank you for your advice I was I was coming to you about my grandchild thank you for your advice


Thank you so much. God bless you, very helpful video.


Many will stop eating long before their nutritional requirements are met. I have to keep insisting mine to eat.


That makes sense why I’ve noticed that they eat much less during dinner .. tbh they’ve seen me very frustrated 😢and I had no idea I’ve been falling prey to them 🤦‍♀️ 😂 I will try to stay cool as a 🥒


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M having this issue since my baby was 8 months of age, she weighed 8.5 kgs back than and now shes 14 months of age and weighs only 9 kgs 😢


Thank you for a bit more peace of mind. With my toddlers eating. My bb is 13 months and I've gotten into the habit of feeding her on the go because when we sit at the table and I let her do it the food is just thrown on the floor.

I dont want to feed her myself but if she has thrown all the food on the floor do I just take that as she's done?


Thank you for sharing! My toddler (1 year 10 months) when does not eat she breastfeeds a lot and I do not want that any longer, I prefer her eating food. And she is a picky eater, when she is hungry she keeps asking to be breastfed. This makes me needing to feed my tolder myself. What could be the solution?


We are trying to be hands-off with our 12-month-old who is going through a BIG food refusal phase but meal time often ends with absolutely no food eaten. This is all through the day Breakfast, snacks and dinner. It's so stressful. Do we really just let him not eat anything?


My daughter just turned 1. I have been trying baby led weaning since a long time now, but she is not interested. She doesn't touch any eatables, no steamed vegetable no fruit nothing. She just poke them and sit without eating anything. She would start crying after sometime and expect me to feed her. Even if she is hungry she doesn't show any interest in food. How can I make her eat on her own or take some interest in food??
I feel she is more interested in play or just running around except food.


Hello Jill, i really got a gud information from ur video, thankyu for dat, my 2 yr old boy is not at all eating from last 20 days, he weighs only 10 kgs, m really worried, i even had been to pediatrician, he said he z doin well n active not to b worry, but still i dont knw how to overcome


Wait, so my toddler he is over 2 years old now -- but he has been picky ever since we started giving him solids basically since 1 its been really hard to find things he will eat, should that be a worry ?


Hi Jill. My daughter is 2 1/2 and has no interest in eating food/healthy food. She only wants to eat oatmeal, yogurt, milk. She sometimes asks for juice and I try to water it down. She sometimes eats cheese strings. I notice she likes crunchy food like crackers, chips (I try my best to not give her junk food at all unless it’s a child’s birthday party) my daughter doesn’t want to eat pasta, rice, chicken, meat, fish, fruits or vegetables. And if she wants to eat anything she only likes purées. She’s almost 3 and she’s been like this since she was 1. She’s not getting at nutrients. I tried to give her smoothies with fruits and veggies and she won’t drink it. I don’t know what to do. I made an appointment to see a dietitian and nutritionist but I don’t see how they will get her to eat. Thanks.


hello Jill, my son just turned 3 in Nov, he used to eat by himself and he loves eating but after he had the flu two weeks ago, now he doesn't want to eat and always wanted us to feed him. he is not eating in school too, he used to eat everything. I don't know what to do now because I know I don't want to force him but he is not chubby boy to begin with and his doctor always complain about his weight.


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Hi! I have a 3 year old son who unfortunately watched his father choke on a bigger piece of ice and pass out. I am a first responder so keeping calm and all of that was not an issue got dad back to normal in seconds but toddler watched everything and it didn't seem to phase him but the very next day while we were out with his grandma for lunch she got a piece of chicken stuck in her throat and he witnessed that whole scene. Also didn't seem to phase him until about 2 weeks later now he refuses to eat bc he's afraid to choke. I try to keep everything positive and upbeat as well as explain what happened and that we don't need to worry about him choking on food etc. I'm worried he's gotten sick with a cold from daycare on top of not wanting to eat but without proper nutrition I'm worried dehydration or malnutrition may be next. Any ideas?
