What is God's Eternity? | Episode 1108 | Closer To Truth

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Does God exist in time, experiencing time's flow? Or is God eternal, existing outside of time, creating time? These questions help assess God's existence and discern God's essence. Featuring interviews with Paul Davies, Eleonore Stump, Gregory Ganssle, William Craig, Robert Spitzer, and Robert Russell.

Season 11, Episode 8 - #CloserToTruth

Closer To Truth host Robert Lawrence Kuhn takes viewers on an intriguing global journey into cutting-edge labs, magnificent libraries, hidden gardens, and revered sanctuaries in order to discover state-of-the-art ideas and make them real and relevant.

Closer to Truth presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.

#God #Time
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Sometimes overthinking isn't helping. Sometimes admitting we don't know is a sign of wisdom.


My brain is fried thank you very much.


Us praying to God is like a character in a novel praying to the author to change the ending.


the good thing about religious apologetics is that one can invent any explaination to overcome whatever criticism or inconsistency or any nonsense in general.


Nice how large chunks of the episodes are shots of Robert in contemplation, but we don't even care because he has such a perfect philosopher's look.


This lady in the very beginning of this video, Eleanor, blew my mind! But at the same time made so much sense and personally I have conceived such a theory myself. To hear someone else finally voice that same thesis is like, WOW! Of course I think she’s brilliant. Only we exist in linear time, but in God’ perspective and reality there exist the now presence with what we would call past and future just being branches of a tree that’s constantly extending out, but the actual tree trunk itself remaining non changing, static. God, being unchanging can sees those branches at all intervals of its growth and each interval is accessible and remains there for him. As it would be for us to see and access any branch of a tree no matter how much that tree grows.


It is like having a great mountain rising out of the plains. Well, everywhere you look at the mountain, it looks slightly different, depending on where you are looking. If you are up close, if you are far away, if you are to the north, the south, the east or the west—it all looks different, you see. But it is the same mountain. It has not changed with your perspective.

You may debate with others about the appearance of the mountain. You are looking from the north and they are looking from the south. Oh, the mountain looks so very different. You argue about its features and its manifestations. To someone up close, it is huge and monumental. To someone at a distance, it is just something out on the horizon. The experience is different. The perspectives are different. But the mountain has not changed. It has not adapted itself to people’s perspective or people’s position around it.

~Marshall Vian Summers


somebody should do a series about obsessive people who ask abstract questions that have no answers


Wish the sound track on this video had been in time!...ABSOLUTEY, all over the place!!


Maybe we got it all wrong from the beginning with our understanding of time, space, eternity and even God.


"nothing becomes, becoming is" I liked that


I am happy to understand just one sentence in this entire video.


Write in sequence events that happened to you in One hour.
Then put those on piece of paper at random. Then imagine those not happening but are just existing.
That's God outside of time


Assuming God has perfect, total knowledge of everything, that means God understands completely what it's like to be me, Robert Kuhn, my cat, or an insect on my wall. That means that God actually has to EXPERIENCE the totallity of my life, Robert Kuhn's life, my cat's life, and the life of an insect on my wall. Therefore, what we each are part of God's infinite consciousness because we are actually God living our limited life in the physical universe. This also means that God has CHOSEN to forget who he is when he lives each of our live's. There's no other way for God to have perfect, total understanding of who each of us are. Furthermore, it means God lives WITHIN time as each of us, as well as eternally outside of time as we know it. Because of this chain of reasoning, I've come to the same conclusion as the Nobel prize winning physicist Erwin Schrodinger: there is only ONE consciousness having an infinity of experiences.


you can only closer to truth if you turn inward not outward 🙏


Even in the Bible, God gave people choices with ultimate results for either decision. Using the word " If ". This implies multiple realities depending on the individual's path, however, we can only experience the path we choose in the moment of now. What is amazing is that God can take our prayers from "now" and use the information to change our future.


Good show ... gets the brain pondering on issues most ask about but cannot grasp the significance of such questions and the implications of answers that may arise
i still contend that God is not of our reality but outside of it ... or how else could he create it if our reality is creating him? or a part of him?
our reality consists of time, space and energy which from our perpective are infinite
But could be finite as per Gods creation
in math ironically we have 3 infinities too
you can count forever, subtract forever and 0 is infinite
and 0 is nothing
with reference to time ... that number line implies "now" could very well be infinite.


Hearing that it is resurrection of personality and not the body certsinly sounds more believable


Variations on a theme of God that are impossible to reconcile. Tormenting. The ultimate mind-f*cker.


You sir, seem to ask all the questions ive been asking all my life, and a few more lol
