IELTS SPEAKING Mock Exam - Marin from Japan 🇯🇵🎓- Band 7.0

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I just received my ielts results and I got an overall band 7 and even 8.5 in listening! I did ielts once and it was just a 5.5 in total, so I really appreciate you're making these amazing videos for us! Thanks a lot! It's really helpful!


She is in trouble of leak of idea. I find this issue myself too. We should prepare with more topic no matter which kind of language, then there are no struggle on thinking of idea during language exam.


As an IELTS learner, I really find these videos are quite effective for my improvement. I have a great opportunity to observe what IELTS tests look like and on which part I need to focus more to get the band I want.


Hi I just want to thank you for your good work. I self studied and faced IELTS exam once and gained overall 7.5 band (L-8.5, S & R-7.5, w-6.5) This is the only channel I referred for my speaking part. I'm so grateful for you. Keep up the good work.


That’s why I’m not big fun of IELTS..even tho your English level is good enough, but if you are slow thinker, it can affect your score a lot. They (IELTS) should let test taker to pick their topic from multiple choices😅Btw, her English sounds like Korean most of the time and sometimes Japanese.


I just had the result, and I got 7.5 overall (7.0 speaking). Thank you so much for all the speaking mock tests like this. I also can find other mock tests from other channels, but I realize that they just wanted to make things much more complicated than it should be with a lot of c2 vocab and too much idiom. I thought I would never be able to get a 6.0. Then, I found your channel, and I found out everything’s not and should not be that complex. Therefore, when I took the speaking test, I just said what I had in my mind with basic vocabulary and a good fluency. For anyone who is strunggling with this, my advice for you is just keep your answer simple and smooth, because that’s how a native speaker would do 😘


I am a Japanese philology graduate, I was living in Japan for two years, working&studying; at university I was attending sociolinguistic classes and, as an assignment, I did a research and a survey among Japanese university students about English loanwords in Japanese and English education in Japan. I just wanted to say that I am so proud of Marin: her pronunciation is on point, almost no grammar mistakes and her English is so natural. This is so exceptional for Japanese native speakers and let me tell you, it is so rare to find a Japanese person speaking even little English in Tōkyō! Well done, Marin, chapeau-bas 💮🎊


I realized that almost candidates had a good pronunciation so hardly did I imagine how pronunciation will affect our overall result. Hopefully, you can make more videos about this. Thank you


my level is 7.5 solid close to 8.0, what I mean by this is that her score is not 7.0 i guess because she always struggles with vocabs and searching some relevant


It was so informative and enlightening. I was depressed about pausing and thinking about questions, even if my pauses were not too long, comparing the student. This video gave me a little bit of hope 🙏🏻 thanks for sharing 😊


I aim to get 7.0 in the speaking part of the IELTS exam. I would like to write a list of phrases that I found interesting and useful when speaking:
- be focused into
- prefer taking to
- You have less time to do your hobby
That is the big part that you are likely sacrificing


Is she really Japanese? As she seems to be Korean for me, actually I'm Japanese .


I just got an overall band 7 with 8 listening, 8 reading, 6 writing and 6.5 speaking.When I took the exam i was ill because of my irresponsibility.I didn’t take care of my self thats why all my desires were spoiled.Beside preparing for the exam, take care of your health. ❤


"What are the most important birthdays in your country?"
What a question!🤣🤣🤣


I have a question for you. So how many idioms should I use for 1-2 sections? And how many phrasal verbs would be enough?


the amount of time examiner giving her to explain is the examiner seemed in hurry


We wait for this sentence.
"Hi ! This is Chris from IELTS DAILY"


I am studying and practicing English every day, but I am still not confident with the IELTS test. This video taught me a lot about how to cope with the difficult questions. Thanks a lot!


I got ielts result yesterday.. listening 6 reading 6 speaking 6 and writing 4.5 overall 5.5 .i feel so demotivated may be next I am able to band 7 in over all..
