Putin's Armageddon Weapon

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Credits: US National Archives; Library of Congress; ITAR-TASS; Vadim Tolbatov; The Kremlin; Vladimir Zinin.
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You know you're living in interesting times when Mark Felton starts talking about current events.


"The nuclear arms race is like two sworn enemies standing waist deep in gasoline, one with three matches, the other with five." -Carl Sagan


Russia also has Poseidon nuclear torpedoes, and Topol mobile ICBMs.


Mark delivers that glint of hope that we all need to wake up to on a Monday. Everything’s going to be just fine 🥹


If you are trying to scare me, Dr. Felton, you're doing a bloody fine job!


Former Air Defense Artillery Officer here. The Ground-based Midcourse Defense or GMD system is much further along than the testing phase, it was just never intended to defend against a peer threat like Russia. It is intended for “rogue” states capable of launching only a few ICBMs. The issue isn’t the technology, it is the cost. Each interceptor is very, very, very expensive. The program to which I believe Dr. Felton refers is the Next Generation Interceptor program, which seeks to improve upon the 50% probability of kill of the old system.


That moment when it pops up out the silo then the main engines starts... i wanna see the blooper where the main engine fails and it drops neatly back in then explodes.


Russia deploys nuclear weapons in 4 ways strategically actually and 3 ways tactically. Also you just mentioned balance, what’s balanced about the American anti-ballistic missile system? The truth of the matter is the American anti ballistic missile capabilities(GBI) number 44 total missile launchers in Alaska and California with a success rate of ~50% you can expect maybe 20 warheads/decoys to be shot down out of the 5, 000 warheads and decoys that will be deployed from the RS-24, Topol-M, bulava, and sinva missiles currently in use by the Russian armed forces. They all have 3-4 decoy re-entry vehicles per missile. So I’m not sure why you even mentioned ABM it will be almost completely ineffective against a Russian attack. It was originally designed to go against low tech North Korean missiles, not to do anything regarding Russian nuclear weapons.


"You fire yours
I fire mine
Everybody dies"

That's great way to start/end a story 😂


Many younger people didn't live during the Cold War under the constant concern of mutually assured annihilation. This is why so many do not view the war in Ukraine as a big deal to them. Also most don't study military history and how an accident, miscalculation, or one wrong incident could escalate rapidly into a bigger and broader conflict. WW1 for example.


When Mark Felton finds current events more interesting than the past, you know we’re screwed 💀


When Reagan spoke of his "Star Wars" defense system many in the world spoke of a side of MAD that few thought about. If one side had a technology that created and imbalance it then justified a first strike by the opponent before the said technology could be fielded. it was so much of a concern at the time that Ronald Reagan added and addendum to Star Wars that the tech would be fully shared with the Soviets to keep the balance.


I love that Mark approaches the current events with the same pragmatic factual demeanour he brings to historical debates. His channel isn't about hyping one side or the other, just the facts as plain and simple as they can be presented.


Incredible work once again Mark. Now, how tragic is it that humans have arrived at this place? The irony that the “developed” world could be turned to ashes. I may relocate my young family to the most remote part of the African continent.


western leaders don"t make putin angry.


Ah, at first I thought you were going to discuss the hypothetical “Poseidon” nuclear torpedo, but this is still terrifying nonetheless!


Ah some Mark Felton to chill out.


"Putin's Armageddon weapon"


Lived with them in West Germany at a hard site for 3 years. But they were low yield.
The code word Lariat Advance among others caused a lot of us a lot of anxiety.
But a nuke is a nuke.


This is so awesome! Everyone knows in a pinch you can never have too many nuclear bombs.


“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

Albert Einstein
