How to drive a manual car SMOOTHLY. Driving stick without the kick.

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This is how I have learned to shift a manual transmission car without making your passengers hate you. This only applies to upshifting.
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learning to drive stick is easy its perfecting it thats the hard part


Driving stick is the best. Especially when you get stop and go traffic combined with hills


"a little heel toe action" lmao oh talk to me dirty.


brb bout to go properly shift for the first time in my life


To add to this video: driving smoothly is simply a part of getting used to your car and learning it. You'll slowly learn where your rpms should be in each gear at certain speeds.


Wow what a rabbit hole, look at baby Thomas!


I just bought my first manual. And I drove it home pretty good, but my shifts were very rough. And I even stalled a few times. But overall I did good. Just not great


Forget the passengers.. its all about maintaining control of inertia, centre of gravity and suspension.. HITTIN DA


I love the way you demonstrate the passenger going like that. Ive been searching for a way to run a car smoothly..and I have finally found it. Thank you. I hope you can make more videos related to this.


When you're just driving around normally, a good way to do smooth shifts easily is release the clutch about 80% then pause there for an immeasurably small amount of time, I mean almost nothing then release all the way. Think of it as just two movements. Don't do it too low though as it will increase clutch wear, do it nearer to full engagement.


So glad I found this video. I've known how to drive stick for years but only had a few hours of practice. Bought my first 6 speed a few weeks ago and I was so worried that something was wrong with the clutch or transmission because 1st to second would jerk about 90% of the time, 2nd to 3rd occasionally, but never any other. Now I know!


I'm so glad I switched to a standard. I learn something new about how to drive it everyday. This video makes so much sense and I can't wait to try practicing it everyday. I know how my car's bite points and I know the basics of driving a stick for almost 3 years, but I could never figure out why my shifts were so rough. I've asked people for advice and looked up so many videos, but this is the only one that falls into why I can't get smooth consistent shifts. This video just makes so much sense. I've read the below comments asking about what he means about releasing the clutch at the right moment and I think it's more about getting to know how your car works and practice. I've been trying to do so many different things, but never got the result I wanted. Thanks for the tip, I'm hoping this works for me!


This video is a Godsend. I'm currently learning to drive my first car, which happens to be a manual VW Beetle. I have a very hard time with the "launching" issue because my dad literally didn't explain much about shifting when I first drove. I also have an issue with stop and go actions, and thats usually where I stall out (because I panick and shift to the wrong gear). Thank you!!


I'm so glad you made this video. Many people in North America know how to drive a stick, but few do it smoothly. I am a driver trainer who specializes in shifting manuals smoothly. It is not hard to do, but you have to know what you doing. You have nailed this ! Great video!


Yes! Finally a video my partner needs to see. He feels attacked when I try to explain how to shift smoothly. My father doesn't like it when he drives because he releases the clutch too soon and makes us lurch forward. As a result dad can't sleep on a long that's not good. Lol!


DUDE i used to watch you YEEEEARS ago when i had my first e46 and you had just a couple thousand subscribers, so freakin happpy for you you have always killed it bro keep it up!


I love your videos, I'm a e46 fan myself and its nice to see a Youtube channel about them.


Very good tips thank you! Your're absolutely right understanding what is actually going on when shifting makes all the difference.


So I had to search for this video again just to let you know that this is the ONLY video that has actually TAUGHT me how to shift properly without the jolt and showing gear ratios really helpsled understand the concept of releasing the clutch faster as the gearing goes up, I shift like butter now on my e93 m3 Thanks a lot brotha!


thank you! the visual display of rpms as you shift was good for understanding...
