Victory Celebration (Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi) Cover | Michelle Heafy, DonutDrums

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Piano, Vocals Mixed by Michelle Heafy
Composed by John Williams
Thanks to DonutDrums for the fun collaboration! He makes awesome, unique covers - I highly recommend his channel if you aren't already subscribed.

I'm not sure where to begin about Star Wars! I'll just narrow it down to this song - I love it! It's one of the special edition changes that I actually really like. And - John Williams. That's all I have to say about him lol.
We've been working on this cover for over a month now, so I'm glad to celebrate it's completion. Donut added a bunch of cool sounds, making it sound nice and full. I recorded a lot of vocals to go with the thick sound. Near the end, I was experimenting on piano and realized that Binary Sunset and Imperial March can be interwoven in this, so I added small pieces of them in. It felt fitting with the emotional ending scenes of this movie. After more messing around, I snuck a tiny bit of Rey's Theme in, and felt it worked as a peek into the future.
I love this song partly because it reminds me of Donkey Kong Country music ~ you can sing the recurring DKC melody (think Mining Melancholy) over it and it works.
It's hard to choose a favorite film of the original trilogy because there are parts of each that combine into one super-favorite. A couple favorite things from Jedi: the conversation between Luke/Leia at Endor, the final battle, Vader in general, and of course the ending.

Did you hear the hidden loon (bird) call? I heard it in the original and wanted to do one too! Oooo-OOO.

Thanks for listening!
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THIS VERSION IS EPIC! It's as if the millions of voices that were silenced on Alderaan have returned to vocalize this remix.


That little piano riff at 2:05 - genius! :)


This cover would fit perfectly in a epic western movie. That guitar makes it sound so "westernish" :D love this!


Coming back to this after finishing Jedi: Survivor. Gosh I just love this so much!


Hey! Here's a cover of Victory Celebration from Return of the Jedi (Special Edition). This is the official title of this song, while the one from the original version is called Ewok Celebration (or Yub Nub). I teamed up with DonutDrums again for this cover. I had fun with all the percussion, ya-ya-ing, and piano. Donut added a lot of cool drums/guitar/bass, and I added harmonies and extra piano themes toward the end. More info is in the description. Thanks! :)


goosebumps! I love this song so much it almost makes me cry. Its a celebration of passing through a difficult trial and continuing on. Also its a celebration of the power of love and good to conquer evil. Luke was only able to defeat Vader by channeling the dark side, but ultimately it was a father's love that saved Luke and Vader.


I didn't find the song wasn't very memorable in the movie, but when I put this song on yesterday, everyone at my house loved it. Thank you for another great one!


I’m not such a big SW fan (only the originals) Yours is the best version I have heard of this song, it has a bittersweet quality that other versions including the original don’t quite capture. It can really fit to so much more venues now.

Listening and watching you sing;

It’s a memorial as much as a celebration. When you want to cry and smile at the same time, for those people and ways of life that have been lost, yet those who remain have endured the darkness to seek a way to repair our broken worlds. Those dearly departed encouraging the living with their great task.


I'm completely stumped as to you how you edit these videos without your computer melting into the desk... these are as impressive on a technical level as they are on an artistic level. Just crazy impressive all around...


Beautiful song! I grew up hearing this song in Return of the Jedi and not Yub Nub. Personally, I think it's a much more fitting ending song: just as joyful as the original, but more sentimental.

And you guys did an excellent cover! I love that instrumental arrangement.


You have a talent for changing the sound of a piece without changing its feel. The different instrumentation (especially the guitar in place of the whistle) certainly gives this piece a new sound, but it still feels like a celebration. Nice work!


this is actually very nice? THE FORCE IS WITH YOU ALL


Why is there so little views? what atrocity caused this video to be buried by the algorithm? Cause this is a masterpiece


I loved this cover! It has a bit of Latin feeling in it and it still have this New Age feeling like the original!😍


One of my favorite Star Wars songs and one of my favorite covers. Thank you so much!


wow. amazing job guys. it's rare I get speechless about a cover but... I ... wow


Amazing! This is actually the first song that I taught myself how to play by ear. I still remember figuring it out on my mom's piano when I was a kid. It's also one of my favorite movies. Thanks for the double dose of nostalgia!


Wow wow wow. Galactic brilliance. Thank you for creating and posting.


I love this theme! I remember hearing it back in '97 instead of the usual Ewok Celebration Theme and thought "whoa, this is awesome!" And you all did a great job covering it and making it really cool. If I accomplish any of my goals this year, I am playing your version of this song. Great work!


Thanks for joining the Donut side of the force for this one. You were amazing! :^D
