Brexit - The Big Mistake

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A look at some of the costs of Brexit and why it became unpopular.

0:00 Intro
1:21 Economic Costs
3:35 Growing Regret
6:42 Free Trade Deal
9:18 Brexit Means Brexit
10:52 Stress on UK

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There's no probably about it, you will never get those sweet deals within the EU ever again! The Brexiteers wanted to destroy the EU, they thought other countries would follow their madness! That's something the EU won't easily forget or forgive, you're not coming back in, any time soon🤣! And the funny thing is, Britain has not seen the worst of Brexit yet😭🤣!


I'm a Brit who's lived in Germany for over 40 years. No-one here to whom I spoke about Brexit thought it was a good idea. Neither did I.


Tesco warned about increased prices after Brexit.

They were only focused on foreign labour, thats why they voted Brexit

Now Europe has the last laugh😂😂😂


Whats scary is that racist farage is still being listened to even now.


This was no mistake, They were extensively warned about it. This was arrogant stupidity


Thank you for this short summary. There's however a correction, as the Union has put in place all the border checks on day one, only the UK is incapable and unwilling to do so (giving Europeans an additional free competitive advantage).

UK still has not met its agreed obligations. Possibly because it is incapable of doing so.


When you listen to various UK podcasts you hear that the presenters are happy when something goes wrong within EU and especially it covers Germany or even better France. I am not the only EU citizen who listens to those podcasts and will not promote the rejoin or getting closer project. The UK must start by realising the empire is gone, no room for the British exceptionalism any more, not a world power, massive debt and EU are not eager to embrace the British born to rule attitude, a choice between EU or US must be made and finally to realise how bad the present situation is in the UK. Ukraine is higher on the list to join as they really want to…


Even as a United State citizen, my 15-year-old daughter could tell you that the EU was ready for the border checks. Attempting to equal things out by continually saying the EU wasn't ready is arrogant and is disingenuous.


Brexit…the biggest study in self harm ever.


Sorry when will people get it right the people of England voted for Brexit not Scotland


Who cares?
We don't.
Have fun.


Dear viewers, I am not a UK citizent and what you decide for your country is your own business. I am 40 years old and live in Europe. I studied in London from 2003 until 2007. The first person i met at the University and started a conversation with made it clear to me that this is not Europe and UK is a sovereign country. The incidents i experienced during those four years making it clear to me how non - european British are were numerous. I will never forget that i was denied entry in a pub in Uxbridge and pushed away because of my accent and for being a foreigner. I really regreted that i studied in the UK. I could not understand why i was spending my money in a completely foreign country and i never felt blending with your mentality. The millenians who were at my age (18-24) were very arrogant when it came to the issue of Europe and i always got a sense that everybody thought was superior than other countries. You never had a chance in staying in Europe. Do not blame the brexit campaign. Brexit happened 50 years ago. You held on to your emperialistic mentality for far too long and could not see reality clearly. You are not the super nation you think you are. Times have changed. When i selected EU law at the second year of my studies the professor showed us a few straightforward data during the first lecture. First data was that UK exports 90% of its products to Europe! What arrogance to bite the hand that is feeding you, I thought.


They don’t regret leaving the EU, they regret being poorer for it. No love lost.


The best thing the UK ever did for the EU! O, stay out! Brexit means Brexit (T. May)!


With the UK’s decay we might see Scotland separating. They don’t want to sink into the deep sea with the rest.


The whole notion that the UK would have some great bargaining position when they left was the dumbest narrative ever. Why would the UK have any leverage at all? I absolutely never understood that bizarre narrative. The Empire's been gone for almost a century now, and it isn't coming back.


Brexit simply replaced European Migrants with Indian and African Migrants instead 😂


What's really interesting is to look at Youtube videos from before the referendum, and especially their comments.

There was tremendous confidence among the lower classes that UK was going to strike trade deals left and right, UK would be taking back from the EU what was rightfully theirs, and so on and so forth. The only voices of reason around that time were the actual economists that pointed out that the EU had no incentive to be accommodating.

Of course, politicians couldn't help but mold their opinions to that large of an electorate. That just in their nature.


Every problem that was predicted by remainers was countered with: "Project Fear". If only that were true. I doubt that the UK will ever recover from Cameron's reckless gamble.


The conservatives legislated for a referendum because *WE, the ELECTORATE DEMANDED it.* No other reason. Other parties had promised an EU referendum but they were far to cowardly to offer one in a manifesto. I assure you, it was the UK *electorate* that demanded a referendum. We gave UKIP a national victory in EU parliament elections to drive the point home.