I've Lost 48k Trading! What to Do!? 😟

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I've Lost 48k Trading! What to Do!? 😟

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This is SO RIGHT.

I started with 2k, did stupid trades and finally stopped at $400, and took a break for a day. I came back in over a few weeks more devoted, less risky and traded back up to 1k, then 7k. But I got greedy after growing big profits in one particular day, I traded again hoping for more but instead fell to 5k. Did I stop there? No no no, I DOUBLED my money per trade and ended up at $0 within 2 days of that - completely liquidated.

Don't get greedy and don't fucking trade/chase after a loss


i have lost 130k and have not slept properly for a year, i wonder if i ever can recover


I lost around $200k. Now, I got a goal in life: try to get the money back from the market during rest of my life :)


I've lost 30K and still in the game.


Lost 12K today. Needed this, thank you!


I am a student and i Lost 3k which i gained last Summer of hard work, It was a big Blow and now i am extremely prudent and Just use small amounts


I lost 50k over 3 weeks in Oct. I was devastated. I recovered and kept going and then lost 20k and got back 12k. Then I lost 10k in one day! WTF! Why?

Impulsive trading...
Emotional trading...
Revenge trading...
News trading...
Trading too big lots...
Absolute zero risk tolerance...
Trading for money instead for the learning of how to trade!!!

Yes I am new, but It is all the price of admission. I will learn from this. I stopped trading and reevaluated my approach and will be taking a rational, educated, planned approach with small lots. I expect to get better. Like most traders, I was my own worst enemy! Trading will teach you a lot about yourself. Learn from it!!!


If you just went through something like this, still want to trade and you think this video was rubbish - one thing he should have clearly stated which he didn't: you need some "tough love, " not pity. If you were hiding this from people close to you, there is likely no one else in the world other than this moment that's going to offer what was just provided to you. Take a step back, get your head straight and learn from this - this was a significant life moment so you need to frame it, compartmentalize it (good life story but something to put behind you), and move forward.
Regret will come if you do nothing about this and let this moment consume you, not from the actual loss of $$.


Yep. Did the exact same thing! Turned a 10k loss into 130k loss. I wish I had watched this 8 months ago. I ran right back into the market swinging big.


I just lost 130k! I traded away my retirement account. Chasing losses. 130, 000.00 my inheritance gone! Trying to get it back. DO NOT DO THIS! I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT I DID! I HAVE A FAMILY! I WAS WRECKLESS! OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD!


I lost more than $40k. That is net 2 years salary of mine at the age of 36. That is huge for me. Hard to manage my financial situation. I never ever thought my financial situation go this tough. Complete mess.

How I lost.
No technical and fundamental analysis knowledge
No risk management
No trading plan
Chasing loss
High leverage


I just lost a significant amount of my life savings - $25k to be exact in 4 trading days this month. I don’t even have a house or a car or a partner and this loss is taking a toll on my mental health. 32 years old single guy. This was a lot of money for me. Oh man, I could’ve used this money for so many other things.
I was doing pretty good and blew up my account due to being impatient, undisciplined, emotional and disrespectful towards my life and money. Hopefully, this turns out to be better for my future and I’m able to move forward with great discipline, gratitude, resolve and make 100 times more.


I lost 283k in last one year, Trading, Crypto and Amazon ecommerce business. God knows how i am alive. Most of it is bank loan, rest my 17years life savings, not sure if i will bounce back, but i have started over and looking forward.


I was down over $50k at one point the last 2 days. Kept on buying more thinking i could dig myself out. It sucks. Love what you said about not letting a loss define your worth and who you are


I've been trying to make it in trading since 2016. I've felt like at last I'm making money constantly just to get a reality check and lose all my gains in one trade. What I've come to learn is that I suck at it.


I'm down 40k after two years. I have no idea what to do now. Quitting seems to be the only way to cut my losses sadly


I once lost 18k, 15 minutes, I felt bad, of course I tried nto to have emotions. I just got decided to move on and I just stopped trading for a week and then back.


The market will make a mockery of you the moment you don't respect it. Thanks for the video, I hope everyone reading these words, bounces back or learns something from their loss.


Every trader has done this relative to their account size. It's a tough mindset to escape. The only way to learn to trade is the hard way for 99% of traders.
