STYLISH & STRAPPED: How to Carry Concealed In Dapper, Stylish, Business Attire

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Back when I launched The Suited Shootist blog I was working in a job that had a specific dress code. I was regularly wearing slacks, jackets, and tucked in shirts.

Even now that I no longer have those professional requirements, I still regularly go placed where dressing like this is either appropriate or expected.

As you'd imagine, it can be challenging to conceal the type of handgun that most of us would prefer to have for defense (compact, double stack, semi auto). Even if you can conceal it effectively, access is generally slowed because you're having to clear a tucked in cover garment.

So I've started playing with options that, while might not be quite as ballistically effective, are more accessible and can be brought to bear faster.

Here's the overall breakdown:

- Pistol: KelTec P32
- Holster: Ramora Pocket Holster mounted to a MDTS Pocket Shield made by Raven Concealment
- Pepper Spray: POM Industries
- Flashlight: Modlite Systems PHL-V2 18350 configuration with an RCS pocket clip
- Tourniquet: Tactical Medical Solutions SOF-T Wide
- Shirt & Jacket: Canali (through Poshmark for about 20 cents on the dollar)
- Pants: Dockers
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I wish open carry could be viewed in a less negative way. I would definitely have a "formal" gun for events. Something with pearl grips and matching leather.


“... my current logic (which is always subject to change)...” a very necessary caveat to assure viewers that the best determinant of personal decisions is external expert information and personal experience. thanks for including that, it is a beneficial reminder to not become attached to the SOP of the current hot thing, nor to what someone is used to because it “works for me.” If something “works for me, ” but is shown to fail in multiple relevant situations that “me” hasn’t come across, it needs to be re-evaluated. Thank you for maintaining that mindset!


Maaaan I was just waiting for you to shock me and pull out a Glock 34. I'm pleasantly surprised to see you running the Keltec. I use a Ruger LCP and find myself carrying it damn near EVERYWHERE (especially in business attire). Nice video. Keep up the good work


Great vid. Real man. Real style. and Damn Real Gun.


What dress pants do you recommend with a waist that stretches? Will be concealing in an enigma.


Good points, Chris from Lucky Gunner mentioned you in his latest video. Not a big fan of the Keltec or 32 auto but I understand why they were chosen.


Good video, thanks for sharing. I have used a IWB at 3 O'clock carry under the sport coat. The Smith and Wesson Performance Center Shield .380EZ has a soft profile which feels good to carry and is not distinguishable under the coat.


As a plus size dude I have to buy most of my clothes online. The problem is that most pants these days have vestigial pockets of totally inadequate size. Any tips on brands that might be better in this regard? I hate to have to get pockets modified every time.


I like a skinnier, longer light, AAA or AA diameter. Probably gives up some lumens, but you can have it in the jacket pocket without disturbing the line too much (on a casual jacket) and it helps weight it to keep it in place over the gun when unbuttoned and also "flip" out of the way cleaner on a draw. Also sits vertically more comfortably in a pants pocket, I'd dig a "pencil" format OC with decent multi-shot stream range for that reason as well, the 3/4-1" cans are still a short bulge that I don't think really mechanically needs to exist. Both items would end up being able to be carried more like pens in multiple places.

While walking the dog and pondering (husky mix in a townhome, we walk a lot, so lots of time to think) I was thinking, again, about going to tuckable IWB with casual, long sleeve button downs, the look I favor over untucked anything. Ordinarily I have some sort of cover garment over the gun, but that can get warm, even up here. Based on your experience with tuckable holsters, might it be faster to have the shirt tail on that side shortened? I tend to buy Tall shirts to fit my arms which end up with long tails as well. When I had tuckables in the past I would have to fold, almost roll, the tail to get it to lay right over the gun without a wad of fabric under the beltline, and the "rip" was almost a two step process. Like a clown pulling scarves out of his sleeve. Might only having a few inches of single layer fabric to get untucked speed up the draw "rip" to something closer to an untucked shirt? Seems like the holster pressure would keep it from pulling out on its own.


Interesting video, sir? In movies you can hide an 88 Flak in flip flops and trunks....
Italy's pictures on the wall in background.?


Shoulderholsters are meant for small single stack guns.


I didn't know until you pulled it lmao


Why pepper spray & firearms in the same pocket?


Touch on vests specifically. I wear dress vests virtually every day. I'm looking for a dress vest that does double duty as a concealed carry vest. Where may I get such a vest?
