Folic acid and birth defects

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From our free online course, “Causal Diagrams: Draw Your Assumptions Before Your Conclusions”:
Observational studies indicate that folic acid reduces the risk of birth defects. But the estimate changes depending on what the analysis adjusts for. How do we know which variables to include in our analysis to get the correct estimate?
HarvardX empowers the faculty of Harvard University to create high-quality online courses in subjects ranging from computer science to history, education, and religion.
Observational studies indicate that folic acid reduces the risk of birth defects. But the estimate changes depending on what the analysis adjusts for. How do we know which variables to include in our analysis to get the correct estimate?
HarvardX empowers the faculty of Harvard University to create high-quality online courses in subjects ranging from computer science to history, education, and religion.
Folic acid and birth defects
Taking Folic Acid Can Prevent Certain Birth Defects
Preventing Birth Defects: Folic Acid - Dr. Erin Large
Study: Folic acid prevents birth defects
Folic acid helps prevents birth defects
Folic acid prevents birth defects
ObGyn Doctor explains: Taking Folic Acid To Prevent Certain Birth Defects
Why pregnant women need folic acid
Folic acid helps in brain development and prevents many birth defects..
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Pregnancy and Folic acid
Update: high-dose folic acid and antiseizure medications in pregnancy
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Sisters United for Healthy Babies: Folic Acid