How To Make Your Boring Mac Terminal So Much Better

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Hey guys! In this video I'll be sharing exactly how I setup my mac terminal to make it amazing and get a much better experience. We'll be using iTerm2, zsh, Oh-My-Zsh, Powerlevel10k and some other cool things! I hope you enjoy it and find it helpful!

⏰ Timestamps
00:00 - Introduction
00:52 - Install Homebrew
01:31 - Install iTerm2
01:54 - Install git
02:09 - Install Oh-My-Zsh
02:28 - Install/Configure Powerlevel10k
05:51 - Increase Font Size
06:12 - Customize Colors
07:37 - Add Plugins
10:09 - Conclusion
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Hey guys! Wanted to point out that you have to be using the zsh shell which runs by default in macOS Catalina or later for this tutorial to work. To check if you are using zsh, you can run “echo $0” in your terminal and the output will tell you the name of your shell. If you are looking for the “.zshrc” file within Finder, navigate to your home folder and press “Command” + “Shift” + “.” to see your hidden files. Also, if you already had a zshrc file setup with specific configurations and follow this tutorial and they get overwritten, Oh-My-Zsh will save your original zshrc file here: “~/.zshrc.pre-oh-my-zsh”. To undo everything you can use: “uninstall_oh_my_zsh”. Hope that helps!


My one stop guide for terminal setup. Concise, Clear and to the point video.


This was a brilliantly concise video! I loved the theme you created!! 10/10


Just what I was looking for, a simple way to make zsh look awesome without investing many hours into it. Thank you!


I know this an older video and you have a more recent one, but I found this one first, I just finished it and it was so incredibly helpful! I am brand new and just started learning to code. You explained all of the steps brilliantly and my terminal is SO much easier to look at and work in. Thank you!


never wrote a line of code, or used terminal in my life - until today. Complete beginning starting out, and this was really easy to follow. Thank you for the supporting website with step by step instructions and the commands to copy. Great work


Thanks so much for putting this together and for sharing your setup! Always loved developing on the terminal and now love it even more!


Before I watched the video, I knew this would be something like "use iterm2, zsh, and powerlevel10k". The plugins in the end were awesome, will be using all three of those


One stop terminal setup for Macbook! Great job and your blogpost is pretty Neat.
Thanks for saving time.


This was the best video which taught everything about setting up iterm2 in just 1 video especially for a beginner like me small things like linking all the commands and everything it does for future reference was a great way. Thanks for this amazing tutorial, looking forward to watching your videos on setting up neovim and its workflows.


Literally one of the best tutorials. Clear, concise, and genuinely useful. Thank you!


Awesome video. I had been searching for tutorials to make my terminal more exciting to use. By far the best tutorial and clear instructions. Thanks


Oh, one other thing: an alternative to the right arrow key for zsh command completion is the Emacs key equivalent CTRL-f. By my lights this is preferable to right arrow because you don't have to move your right hand out of position. (The fact that Apple preserved the ability to have Emacs CTRL-<key> command line shortcuts in the terminal was one of the things that motivated my switch from Linux to OS X a couple decades ago!)


The quality of this video and its content is through the roof 🔥
Thank you, Sir 🎩


Awesome video. I always want to use colors to my terminal and this was very easy you made this al together. Thanks for explaining each step and providing us a documented steps as well.  👍


Really appreciate the video. Been doing more shell work and wanted something a bit more comfortable than Terminal. This is great! Would love to hear if you've used others for any time what pros and cons are of others. This has really leveled up my experience though :)


"If you can't explain it simply you don't understand it well enough" - Well sir you explained it as if it was 1+1=2, which goes to show that you know what you are talking about! Thanks a lot for this video, very useful and extremely easy to follow, understand and implement. 5 starts :)


Thanks alot Sir! Your videos help us alot to be more productive on the machine!

Just watched the yabai and iterm2 video and setup my new mac, loving the feel all because of you!


Hey bro you posted this video at the right time thanks 👍 I would comment for this video


OMG, bro thanks for the amazing content

now i am happy with my new shell, thanks a lot brother
