Proofs in Symbolic Logic | Attic Philosophy

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Using logic proof is a central part of doing logic. But what are logical proofs, and how do they work? In fact, there's lots of different ways of doing logical proofs, belonging to different proof systems. In this video, I introduce the idea of proof systems in logic.

This is part of a series of videos introducing the basics of logic. If there’s topics you’d like covered, leave me a comment below!

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Рекомендации по теме

This video is absolutely awesome! You helped me a lot to wrap my head around why we are even doing natural deduction in Logic. Thanks!


Hey, great video. But for future reference it would be nice if you didn't use a font that was so difficult to read for us non-native speakers. Thank you!


sir, I have been reading a book called an introduction to formal logic and when it came to this part I couldnt get it at all
I think I should thank u for ur amazing calrification, and I am happy people like u exist on our miserable earth ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤keep it up SIR


I have AI exam in a week. You are a lifesaver.


have meta logic exam in 1 week. your videos are really helpful. thank you


Thank you so much. Our text book is very confusing. I thought that I would be up to the challenge of symbolic logic given my background in electrical theory and coding but no!


I will say though there is a kink in the armor of logical deduction. Im great at it.. however a commentor made me realize there is a connection between that and mental gymnastics. If your not careful and honest with yourself as you do it, its possible to fill in the numbers like a sudoko and miss some or? Purposefully gloss over some.

To me logical deduction is like a sudoku. If one number is off the whole thing can be off. Especially in really big esoteric ideas. Because you could be missing numbers you didnt even notice existed or spaces. Or possibly think ill get back to this space where its not fully clear to me.

Like you make some pretty big wronf assumptions. The more complex something is the room for error.

That said ideally logical deduction your proving it to yourself the whole way. Like a sudoku. If that number is this then this has to be that. And so on.

Not sure. But i think its a good idea to keep an open mind about the possibility that you can have a number wrong and have messed up the whole puzzle.

The human mind is great at reasoning. So great sometimes it will fill gaps with nonsense is alls im saying 😂 maybe im wrong but?

I had a smart uncle that said that to me one day lol. Said logic is just bs being circled around over and over till you believe it xD. He didnt say exactly that but maybe he was onto something.
