The Truth About Finasteride (Propecia) for Hair Loss

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These are the top 11 questions that I get asked about finasteride all the time. Let's answer them!

Dr. Gary Linkov on Social Media:

City Facial Plastics: Dr. Gary Linkov
150 E 56th St, 1AB
New York, NY 10022
(212) 439-5177

00:00 - Finasteride Common Questions
00:07 - Do minoxidil and finasteride work the same?
01:25 - What is the safest dose of finasteride?
01:50 - I had good results, but my hair is falling out now. What do I do?
03:21 - Where can I get finasteride?
04:07 - Do I need finasteride if I'm getting a hair transplant?
06:12 - Is finasteride only helpful with the recipient area?
06:39 - What do I do if I develop side effects?
08:03 - How dangerous is finasteride for mental health?
08:46 - Does finasteride increase risk of prostate cancer?
09:16 - How long do I need to be on finasteride?
10:38 - Can women take finasteride?
11:08 - Should I stop finasteride when planning to have a baby?

Referenced Articles:

#finasteride #qna #hairloss

The content of this channel is for entertainment and educational purposes only. This content is not meant to provide any medical advice or treat any medical conditions. Patients must be evaluated by an appropriate healthcare provider on an individual basis and treatment must be tailored to meet that patient’s needs. Results and particular outcomes are not guaranteed.
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Some people say that Finasteride can cause depression. But believe me going bald and losing your hair is far more depressing than anything else. I started losing hair and my doctor recommended me 0.3 Mg of Finasteride on a daily basis. My hairfall stopped afterwards and I am now a happier person. Many people do judge you on the basis of looks and a guy with full head of hair is considered aesthetically more pleasing than a person with less hair.


I am 44 - started in 2006. My brothers and father are bald - I saved my hair with ZERO side effect.
3 kids and the 4th is on his way!


It is just ridiculous that there is still no medicine to help stop people losing their hair in this modern age. Absolutely ridiculous. Considering medical advancement and the potential of making a lot of money if a company succeed in producing one.


Been in Finasteride for almost ten years. No side effects whatsoever and it regrew a decent amount back. My brothers use it too with no side effects and good results. Key is not letting yourself lose too much before getting on it!


Eyebrows looking nice and strong there Dr. Linkov. Nice.


great video. really answers all the common questions. unrelated: you've made great gains with your eyebrows- congrats. I've watch some (but not all) of your videos and I know you have considered some treatments. whatever you are doing now is working for you. the eyebrows really does give you a new look. nice!


Dr. Gary, I've been a long-time fan of your work. You're such an amazing person for your dedication to rejuvenating youth for people, your precision in medical explanation and esoteric knowledge in hair loss treatment. I live in China, and it's doubtful that the understanding and treatment for hair loss here is as evolved, though I do live in the most developed city here. But your sharing of all this knowledge gives me hope in having a shot at Finasteride for my DHT-driven hair loss.


Been on finasteride for 5 years since I was 24. I haven't seen any significant development in my hair loss since like 6 months/a year into it. Now I have peace of mind and never think about something that used to dominate hours of my waking time daily. Frankly, I love not even needing to follow these channels because obsessing over this is so defeating. Finasteride helped me with that and continues to do so.


I've been using it for nearly 2 years alone and it definitely works. Im considering adding minoxidil since some of the hair feels a bit thin but otherwise it's great as a tablet on its own


I've been on Fin for 6 months after slowly thinning for around 5 years - within 6 months I've got probably 18 months of loss back. Can't fault it and certainly a lot less invasive than going straight for a transplant which I've had quoted at £7k/$9k! Had no side effects either which is really good, it was the main reason I put it off for so long.


Wow you're simply the best. Most honest and informative. Thank you so much for all your help and input.


I take 1mg 3, 4 times a week and got the same results as I would take it every day . I started to take it when I was 26 years old . Now I am 42 and no side effects at all .


yes, im using Finasteride + Minoxidil Pill for 5 month now and i can see alot of improvement!


Ive been on it for a little over a year taking a daily pill with topical minoxidil once every evening and the result is great. Granted, I started at the very first sight of thinning. I've always had thick and a lot of hair. I didn't just notice the thinning has disappeared but I also noticed an overall increase in thickness, just like a couple years ago.


I use both fina and monox because they work well together


Dr. Linkov, if someone has good results with dutasteride (in terms of retaining hair) but is experiencing sexual side effects--and had only mediocre results with finasteride in the past--what do you think of combining daily finasteride with weekly dutasteride? As you might guess, I'm in this predicament. Of course, I have reached out to my internist who has been prescribing these medications, but since you're an expert in treating hair loss, I would value your opinion if you have time to offer it. Thank you! I appreciate all your informative videos on hair loss and other topics.


Oh wow. How lucky i am. I went to doctor today to get advice on finastride and its dosage because topical minoxidil for 8 months hasnt made the fuzzy small hairs grow that are on my corners. Maybe it prevented them from shedding but still.

Doctors in turkey are really against finastride and the difference between american doctors who more or less casually recommend it and doctors in turkey being very hesitant about it is somewhat discouraging. I also saw an urologist who was strongly against taking it. He mentioned it reduces testerone levels a lot and can also negatively affect muscle growth as well.. He didnt mention anything with regards to dosage though.

I keep seeing very good results on places like reddit and i trust you Dr. Gary so im on the verge of starting the med but i will lastly see a specialist here instead of a regular doc before making my final conclusion. Thank you for all your videos.


I've heard about some studies using different doses of finasteride and the results were like 0.2mg was almost as efficient as 1mg and at the same time possibility of side-effects was almost the same as using placebo. Sounds like 0.2mg dose is what can work as good and be extremely safe.


Love Dr.Gary’s videos… he speaks the truth


Great video! Thank you for putting content out that offers helpful and factual information that makes a difference. I can personally say that I was put on 1mg propecia manymay years ago at 16 years old in which I took up util around age 37. I was on the 1mg propecia or I remember when it stopped being called propecia and thus called simply finasteride. I took it before, during and after both of my full 12 month in between back to back FUE sessions which my doctor is known by calling CUE. According to my months and months of prior research I conducted and along with other well respected doctors and then in accordance of my overall absolutely noticeable results, it is truly hard for me to say whether 1mg propecia truly helped me if at all. I had my two stints in the chair from 730am until roughly 1130pm with each back to back CUE or FUE which I opted to not have a a smiley face scar and my first surgery they shaved my head which my sessions respectively were both done in 2009 and then 12 months later 2010 and man it it took seemingly forever for my hair to grow back out and as well to see the positive results. So when I went in for my second session 12 months later they had developed a method that was a little more expensive that I didn’t have to have my head shaved and that was to me far better because after a few days I was right back out in public with zero evidence of just having had a large procedure.

Finasteride I decided to talk my doctor about a year ago now to put me back on it this being an entirely different doctor and I am 47 now to be 48 in less than a month. I decided to ask my new doctor to please put me back on it and I explained to him that I took it from 16 to 37 and the reason was because I had all the sudden went through a period of rapid onset all the sudden massive hair loss and for the first time even after I had stopped 1mg finasteride that I had any issues with hair loss. In my case what I found out was that my A1C was skyrocket 16.9 and I had become a diabetic and my doctor told me that due to my diabetic situations something about it had all but cut off blood flow to my hair hair follicles thus less growth and rapid loss and my hair went from great and fairly thick to incredibly thin with basically all that I had left was from my two procedures I had back in 09 and 10.

Long to short he told me that once I get my sugar back where it need be and under control that my hair “should” grow back but he also said there is no guarantee. I had to beg him to put me back on finasteride. Omg I still thank him today almost a year later and he put me on 5mg finasteride and I speak the truth and when I say I had gone in for a haircut and was in shock at how much hair I had lost that from that moment 6 weeks later when I went back to get my hair cut again the girl who has cut my hair for many years said what in the world had I done because within just that 6 week window my hair had literally grew to about double the amount that I had 6 weeks prior. I don’t know if it was strictly the finasteride or because I had gotten on the correct diabetic meds or a combination of both but as I type this this very second I am in the process of letting my hair grow back out long and I presume due to the 5mg finasteride, my hair has never been thicker so much so that it’s an absolute miracle. I can attest to what the good doctor here is saying and speaking the truth of. Sorry that was long but when I start writing I time tends to stop and I’ll have written a book. My apologies.

Thank you Doctor for your awesome content. It is appreciated.
