Coding MasterClass for Kids
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This is a very short intro for our awesomest of awesome flagship course entitled "Coding MasterClass for kids" The landing page can be found here :
So what makes this course different from the tons of courses out there? Simple answer: EVERYTHING!
This course is so much more than merely teaching kids how to code.
Sure, kids, young adults, and anybody interested will learn to code with this course, yes, but as you will discover this is the mere tip of the iceberg. For one, we teach this course using the principles behind the term Computational Thinking, effectively preparing our students for the brave new world that lies beyond the much talked about Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). What this boils down to is that we use programming languages as a tool for bigger and bolder things.
We instil the very essence of complex ideas like Decomposition, Pattern Recognition, Abstraction and the all-important Algorithm Design without our students even realizing that they are using these principles. (They just think they are having fun !)
We look at basic Algebra, Trigonometry, and yes, even Robotics, all the while encouraging and focusing on critical 21st century Life, Literacy and Learning Skills. Skills like Creativity, Collaboration and Initiative are encouraged during this course as we cycle through easy to understand small bits of information. (And YES, we even build a robot together, using the skills learned during the course!)
After we are done with code-based programming (using Scratch 3.0 ) we move over to the incredibly popular, incredibly powerful Python, and teach our students the basics using the same principles as we utilized up to this point, linking the two coding platforms as not to overwhelm our budding student coders. (FUN being one of these principles)
You see, we believe, very much like Mitch Resnick, director of the MIT Media Lab, that people should not be merely learning to code, but instead coding to learn, and when people learn to code in the right way, they learn important strategies for solving problems, designing projects, and communicating ideas.
This is but a glimpse of an absolutely MASSIVE course, not only in terms of content and variety of topics, but also in terms of the critical skills that we all , but especially our young ones will need to possess in order to be relevant in this modern environment where concepts like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and the Internet of Things are fast becoming commonplace.
This , for us as the course creators and educators, Is the true essence of what a "Masterclass "needs to be : not a course that attempts to cram as much (or as little) information as what is deemed to be required into brains, but rather a course where a student walks away with a true understanding of not only the technical aspects of the subject matter, but the reasoning behind the methodology. We have found, time and time again, that this way of doing things result in a student that can apply what he or she have learned to whatever the need may be, and carry these skills with them for the rest of their lives.
This, however, is not all! For your hard-earned money you also get :
• Lifetime access to this course
• Constant updates and additions to course materials
• a Very responsive instructor (that loooves what he does)
• Quizzes formulated to ask the right questions, testing knowledge in a very specific way, not just "fillers "to make a course seem longer and devoid of substance.
• Challenges that challenge the right skills at the right time, with step by step walkthroughs of solutions.
• A Certificate of Completion
So what makes this course different you ask? E-VE-RY-THING !!
So what makes this course different from the tons of courses out there? Simple answer: EVERYTHING!
This course is so much more than merely teaching kids how to code.
Sure, kids, young adults, and anybody interested will learn to code with this course, yes, but as you will discover this is the mere tip of the iceberg. For one, we teach this course using the principles behind the term Computational Thinking, effectively preparing our students for the brave new world that lies beyond the much talked about Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). What this boils down to is that we use programming languages as a tool for bigger and bolder things.
We instil the very essence of complex ideas like Decomposition, Pattern Recognition, Abstraction and the all-important Algorithm Design without our students even realizing that they are using these principles. (They just think they are having fun !)
We look at basic Algebra, Trigonometry, and yes, even Robotics, all the while encouraging and focusing on critical 21st century Life, Literacy and Learning Skills. Skills like Creativity, Collaboration and Initiative are encouraged during this course as we cycle through easy to understand small bits of information. (And YES, we even build a robot together, using the skills learned during the course!)
After we are done with code-based programming (using Scratch 3.0 ) we move over to the incredibly popular, incredibly powerful Python, and teach our students the basics using the same principles as we utilized up to this point, linking the two coding platforms as not to overwhelm our budding student coders. (FUN being one of these principles)
You see, we believe, very much like Mitch Resnick, director of the MIT Media Lab, that people should not be merely learning to code, but instead coding to learn, and when people learn to code in the right way, they learn important strategies for solving problems, designing projects, and communicating ideas.
This is but a glimpse of an absolutely MASSIVE course, not only in terms of content and variety of topics, but also in terms of the critical skills that we all , but especially our young ones will need to possess in order to be relevant in this modern environment where concepts like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and the Internet of Things are fast becoming commonplace.
This , for us as the course creators and educators, Is the true essence of what a "Masterclass "needs to be : not a course that attempts to cram as much (or as little) information as what is deemed to be required into brains, but rather a course where a student walks away with a true understanding of not only the technical aspects of the subject matter, but the reasoning behind the methodology. We have found, time and time again, that this way of doing things result in a student that can apply what he or she have learned to whatever the need may be, and carry these skills with them for the rest of their lives.
This, however, is not all! For your hard-earned money you also get :
• Lifetime access to this course
• Constant updates and additions to course materials
• a Very responsive instructor (that loooves what he does)
• Quizzes formulated to ask the right questions, testing knowledge in a very specific way, not just "fillers "to make a course seem longer and devoid of substance.
• Challenges that challenge the right skills at the right time, with step by step walkthroughs of solutions.
• A Certificate of Completion
So what makes this course different you ask? E-VE-RY-THING !!