How To Save Your Final Cut Pro X Project to an External Hard Drive

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This FCPX tutorial will explain how to save your final cut pro x project to an external hard drive.

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What are some challenges you ran into when starting to work with Final Cut Pro X?

Knowing how to move an FCPX library, event or project to an external hard drive is probably one of the most important things to know if you’re interested in saving space on your computer. This may seem like common knowledge, but I know how much time I wasted trying to figure this out, which is why I thought that this Final Cut Pro beginners tutorial is a good idea.

The method is so simple that after watching this video just once, you will know exactly how to move an fcpx library to an external hard drive.

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What are some challenges you ran into when starting to work with Final Cut Pro X?


Tells me exactly what I need to do and then explains simply and reassuringly how to do it .
Brilliant tutorial .Thanks.


I searched and searched - so happy to find your explanation - thank you!


You are a life saver !!! Want you to know you made my day by helping me w this, Ive been trying to complete a video for two weeks because of the space issue ! Thank you!!!


My friend.... I needed that. I am new to final cut and made my first project and found I had no space left! Thank you so much!!



Thank you. Very clear and very helpful. Copying was very fast leading me to believe I did something wrong or it’s just a faster process than I realized.


Thanks so much. A great Video and it helped me a lot. I've started yesterday with FCP and a 6, 5 GB Clip is over 80 GB in the FCP project and I have to move it to the external drive :)


I'm still not totally clear on if it's enough what is needed to back up a whole project where you have for example multiple events and different framerates in a project that Final Cut has been handling. In that case, would it be dragging the whole library to an external drive? And then clicking transcode or continue?


thanks for the video. I have a macbook air and fcpx and files take up a lot of space so I was looking for how to put everything on an external drive, and you helped out a lot.


Thanks man!
You almost fixed my problem. Wish I could chat with you..


Great video, clean clear and to the point :-)


Is it possible to just select the Library > go to File > Reveal in Finder then just copy-paste or move that file to wherever you want it to be stored?


Thanks so much! Still new to this but if I copy an event to an external hard drive and delete the event on final cut after, if I wanted to access the timeline again at a later date, would I be able to move it from my hard drive back to final cut?


Thank you! How do I delete media files without ruining my final cut project when it’s done?


When you do this can you continue editing on a new computer?


Hi! Two questions please:

1) How can i use/access/browse video clips that are stored on an external disk? Most of my videos are stored on my internal disk, and my fcpx library is also created and stored internally. But I have many videos I want to be able to add to my timeline/project that are on an ext disk. So I want to be able to carry on working like I did (all internally), but also be able to browse/access the vids on my ext disk and drag them onto my project directly via fcpx so I can try them and see if I'll keep them in my project if I like them.

2) If I do like them after I've added them to my project (directly from my ext disk), will the video clips (that I had dragged into my project) have automatically been saved into my - internally stored - fcpx project library? Meaning, if I then unplug the ext disk will fcpx still have the video clips in my project; or will I need to then copy the specific source files I liked into my internal disk so that fcpx will have them after I have unplugged the ext disk?

Thanks!!! :)


I try to save video and it will save as a file that I can’t open or watch, I tried many ways and it don’t export as a file I can upload to YouTube


thank you so much. So, If I wish to work on a project on an external hard drive from the start, and save it there.  
Not sure how to do that? Start and name it on computer, then Move it to external before working? or Copy it to a New Library (on my external? and then start working)  

Yes, I need to keep all my materials on an external and keep space open on my computer. thank you very much


Does anyone know why my Final Cut project becomes extremely large about 500gb when the 3 files I import are only about 10gb? I am maxing out my 1 tb hd.


If I chose “leave files in place” when I imported them, can I change that to “copy files” after importing them?
