The Secret Benefit of Coffee Enemas [not for everyone] 2024

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Many people try many things to improve their health, even Coffee Enemas. If you've been considering getting a coffee enema then you need to watch this video. The research behind coffee enemas might surprise you.

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician with 20 years of experience seeing patients in the clinic, emergency department & inpatient, and has seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
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I have been doing the enemas myself, I am healthier than all my friends at our age, they are dying, having cancer, cardiovascular problems etc etc I am 75 y. O. Sound mind .., 🎉🎉🎉


I tell you who doesn't benifit from coffee enemas, BIG PHARMA.


My wife and I have done coffee enemas daily for 10 years plus. Now in our 60s we're doing much better than our piers. 🤗 On no medication and detoxing daily. Easy.


I did my own study, I had a coffee enema and multiple parasites, sometimes up to seven inches long came out of my body. I had more enegy and I felt better afterward.

This is a classic example of science as an observer vs science as a participant. The observer doesnt have any real experience- they never once tried it so all they can offer is an opinion. Whereas the participant can offer what they experienced as a matter of fact.

Also, I really admire this man for not turning off the comments when everybody disagreed with him.


I have 8sed the gerson theory and it involved coffee enemas. It literally saved my life. I knew I was dieing when I started it all. It was all I could do to get out of bed and could not do the basic tasks to care for myself. Today I am working two jobs and living a very full life. It worked well for me.


I was doing my regular coffee enema while looking at this video. And like soooo many others in the comments, it has changed my life. From arthritis pain diminishing to a reduction in a fibroid that plagued me forever, this is the only thing that works and works WELL. I’m still a fan of Dr. Ken but I gotta say he’s wayyy off.


Coffee Enemas shrunk my cancer tumors. My oncologist saw the results and recommended against chemotherapy and instead said keep doing what you’re doing. I took the Gerson Therapy classes before doing any coffee enemas.


Wow, I appreciate most all of your many informative videos, but this is one I have to dissagree on! I have been doing "proper" colonic coffee and water enemas for over 20 years and believe they have saved my life! After a lifetime of constipation and watching my grandfather and mother die from ischemic colitis, I did not want to go down that same miserable path! I've been through all the tests from gastroenterologists which came up empty, potions of milk of magnesium, probiotics, dietary remedies and even bought a squatty potty to little or no avail! I have been vegan, vegatarian, and now currently 90% carnivore, and still cannot empty out my colon properly. I'm here to tell you that done correctly, coffee colonics or water colonics have been a lifelife for me! I have had two colonoscopys in this time frame and I have not issues with the lining of my colon. It is perfectly healthy in my opinion.


I definitely experience benefits. You don’t just use instant coffee or ground coffee there is special organic coffee made for enemas. The first time I did it I definitely felt it in my lungs! I had a sore spot on my left lung and it went away and after fifteen minutes I was coughing phlegm. I was a bad alcoholic and the special coffee by Wilson’s has 48% more caffeine and 87% higher in palmitic acid. You need to boil in sterile or filtered water for fifteen minutes using one to three tablespoons per cup of water. Start with one. When inserted into the rectum the caffeine and palmitic acid go directly to the liver causing it to release glutathione the bodies wonder antioxidant. There’s a lobe on the liver responsible for healing the lungs and I can attest to that as my sore spot from toking cleared up and my lungs began functioning better clearing phlegm. Now I have been adding 2-5 grams of glutathione and 2 grams of NAC in every enema and the results are amazing. Your liver is your ANGRY ORGAN and when I’m twisted angry over nothing it all disappears after a coffee enema. NAC is administered to Tylenol overdose patients to make the liver produce large amounts of glutathione which in turn saves the liver from Tylenol death. After I read that is when I stared adding glutathione and NAC to my enemas. My alcoholic fatty liver is no longer fatty. My lungs are clear and I do not need Advair or a puffer any longer even though I toke a lot and I’m sure all that glutathione I add and the glutathione the liver produces from the nac has saved my brain and other organs from the ravages of alcohol and the toxins from the weed. I’ve been doing coffee enemas religiously for over three years. I’m a senior 73 years old this August and if not for the coffee enemas fortified with nac and glutathione I doubt very much I’d be as healthy as I am. I only quit heavy drinking two years ago a 15-20 beer a day addiction. I never got Covid or a flu or cold since I stared doing my fortified coffee enemas. Doing a coffee enema takes practice. Believe me it takes practice. First time the enema bag was six feet up so it was like a fire hose going in my butt and I was scrambling like hell to get off the floor to the toilet.😂 Read the instructions and start slowly with a weak solution. I now use three tablespoons per cup which really makes the liver do it’s thing plus the NAC hits the liver producing copious quantities of glutathione plus I add glutathione. Am I over doing it? Well no downside after three years. By using NAC in the enema the bioavailability is around 50% compered to 4-9% orally. I swear by my coffee enemas. There is research on this but the Doc just hasn’t found it. Good health to all.


If you go back to the Merck manual for doctors, as late as I believe the 1950s enemas were a basic component of what doctors would recommend. It was fully established and accepted practice. When did this change? When they came up with drugs to do the same things.


SAVED MY LIFE! I was seriously ill and 2 MD's one and another were completely A-holes. One didn't know how to read blood work and the 2, nd, as soon as I said I was in terrible pain shut me down immediately. A short while later, my teeth began disengaging, hair falling out and whole body blew up.
It's. Long story but I was unknowingly exposed to a nightmare on the other side of a privacy fence. 6 months after moving in, seriously ill!!
Long story short I saw a GREAT ALTERNATIVE DOCTOR. I learned how to do Gerson Therapy myself. Along with alternative antibiotics, antiparasitics and an version of healthy keto that was very simple. It took from 2013-2017 to fix my situation. Yeah, I had systemic parasites multiple co infections and heavy metal positioning.
Actually, there is ancient literature that supports doing enemas. Our ancestors weren't exposed to the toxic nightmares we have today.


Yeah I have been doing coffee enemas for one week now. So I’m obviously a beginner. After hearing this video I did get a little spooked. But after reading all the comments I’m so relieved to know I’m on the right track. I have not had any issues so far. If anything it has helped me with chronic pain and slightly more energy I also feel more mentally clear. Keeping an eye on other positive traits. Thank you to everyone who has posted their testimony! The best thing is to always listen to your body it will guide you on what’s a no no and what you should be doing if you feel well!


I have been doing CE’s for over 10 years with a lot of benefits. I have chronic Lyme and the MTHFR gene that inhibits good detox in my body. These CE’s saved my life when herxing. I also had 5 colon polyps and after 2 years of CE’s on my next colonoscopy they were completely gone. Only change was the CE’s.
I hope you do more research on the subject and realize that just because you don’t know about the benefits doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
Thousands of cancer patients will definitely disagree with you.


I agree with you on a lot of stuff, but not this one coffee enema benefits a lot of people especially ones that are really sick detoxed the liver and gallbladder. Ask anyone in the Lyme disease groups how beneficial they are for when they’re doing treatments they completely eliminate Herxheimer reactions


This is a very misleading video. There is plenty of research of the benefits of coffee enemas. Those three criteria you mention are bunk when it comes to many modern methods. It’s a change in paradigm.


If a person goes to a colonist and has colonics at least six of them, you will feel so much better and your energy level will increase. Colonics are one of the best things you can do for yourself. The Egyptian started it four thousand years ago in the Nile.. River..


This doctor obviously did not test it himself.
Shame on him for judging something he did not testfor awhile on himself and others.


I got incredibly constipated on the carnivore diet and after a series of colon hydrotherapy and water cleansing enemas i started to do coffee enemas once a week and I feel FANTASTIC


And yet my dear friend almost died 3 times (liver autoimmune, along with 4 other types of autoimmune attacks) first time was at the hand of western medicine, the other two were in the process of fighting the disease while trying to over come what their chemo did to her. Part of her miraculous recovery included coffee enemas. People shouldn’t speak against something they don’t fully understand. The coffee helps stimulate the Lieberman and increase the detoxification which can be life saving for someone who’s liver is struggling.


Coffee enemas probably saved my life. Healthy lifestyle but nothing made as much positive impact on my health both physically and mentally as the regular practice of the coffee enemas. Long ago i read the .gov studies and i had enough experience to answer back. Coffee enemas properly done are life changing for many people especially hyper sensitive oeople. But i repeat properly done
