Calipers -- Dial vs. Digital -- Does one do more ??? ( yes )

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In this short video, I'll present a couple differences in dial vs digital calipers, and show the intended functions of each, you may or may not know. This is truly worth 6 minutes of your time. Stick around !
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one cool feature of digital calipers that I don't see a lot of people taking advantage of is if you want to know the distance between two holes of the same diameter you can zero the ID jaws of your caliper in one of the holes and then span across both holes and it will give you the center to center distance


Thanks, Joe! Another great trick when using the zero function on a digital caliper is using it to determine the distance between the center of 2 matching holes. For example, let's say you take a scrap block of aluminum and drill a pair of parallel 0.250 inch holes through it. To determine the distance between centers, you measure the Inside Diameter of one of the holes, and Zero the caliper at that measurement. You can the measure the inside diameter ACROSS both holes (from the left side of the left hole, to the right side of the right hole), and the zeroes caliper will read the distance between the Center of each hole.

If on the other hand, you are faced with 2 studs, bolts, or pins, you can apply the same technique to measure the Outside of the pins, and the caliper will give you the same measurement.

Note that the holes must be the same diameter for this to work. I'd the diameters are different, you need to add both diameters and decide by 2, and zero your caliper at that length first.


One really handy feature with the digital you missed that I use all the time; Measuring the distance between two holes, or two pins, etc., as long as the two have the same diameter. Measure one of the holes with the inside (or the pin with the outside) and set your zero to that. Now measure over the pins outside (or the holes inside) and you get the distance between. In effect you are subtracting twice the radius of the feature to get the center to center distance. I also use it occasionally for calculating dovetails to get the distance between pin centers. Also may work for thread wires to get the P.D., but I haven't tried it yet. It's nice to have a settable reference whenever you need it.


I was in a bearing supplier recently; they used dial calipers and vernier calipers to check sizes. The customer next to me asked "Why no digital calipers?" The answers:
** "Guys didn't always check they were "Zeroed."
** "Batteries did not last as long as advertised."
** "It was always the digital ones that get stolen off the counter... nobody wants to steal the others."


Love my digital which also measures in fractional parts of an inch. Also good for converting between fractional and decimal.
The only advantage of my dial caliper is, the batteries never go dead. :-)


The two reason you mentioned (especially the ability to zero on a standard) are EXACTLY why I prefer my digital over a dial.
As a PRS shooter / reloader, I use the "zero on standard" function all the till for checking cartridge cases and ogive lengths on my loaded rounds.


Another added benefit of the digital is, measuring center to center spacing on hole pairs. Set up the caliper to measure one of the IDs with the upper jaws, then Zero it out. Stick one upper jaw in one hole and the other jaw in the other hole. The reading will be center to center on the holes. Obviously it only works if the 2 holes are the same diameter.


a verynear (lol) dial caliper can also be set to a zero anywhere along the scale by rotating the dial to do overs and unders. Just the other day I was in the shop and neither one of my digitals would work. One of the HF $9 dial calipers I leave laying around the shop did the quick measurement I needed. Thanks for the videos you do Joe. I've learned a lot from them.


I did not know you could use the step for height gauge. I just got a job a couple months ago at a injection mold machine shop. After about a year of YouTube education. So I'm really learning fast now. Thanks a lot Joe for all the help!


I use the digital at the lathe, set the desired diameter on the read out and hit zero, take a measurement it shows how much more to turn off.


Thanks Mr. P. I learn something new every time I watch your videos. It’s like having my own personal shop teacher in my pocket.


Also easy to check distance between same sized holes by zeroing at the diameter of the hole and then measuring outside to outside of the holes.


Just one comment when your done for the day and you put your dial or digatial calipers away try to leave a few thousand gap between the measuring anvils weather dial calipers or micrometer to keep rust from forming when they are closed tight.
Just a thought from a machinists since 1971 till retirement 9-30-19.
Keep the videos rolling I'm always looking for new way to do things.
They say you can always teach an old dog new tricks, lol


The day you stop learning, is the day you stop living. Keep the videos coming Joe!


I also prefer the digital. But one rather big advantage the mechanical has: There is no battery.


Mitutoyo is definitely worth the investment! Extremely happy with mine.


Hi Joe, not sure if anybody has commented as there are 576+ comments, but you can also find the centerline distance of two holes by measuring the ID of one hole, and zero the reading. Then measure the outside radius of the two holes and the reading will be the centerline of both holes. Of course it only works if the holes are the same diameter +or- a couple of tho’s……….. as always, thanks for all your wonderful and educational videos!!!!


I have multiples of both (of course🤪), good video... you forgot one benefit of the “very near”...NO dead


Some other good and bad things:
+ Hold button - make a measurement where you can reach but not see directly.
+ Data logging - Record the value automatically.
- Accuracy - besides the accuracy of the tool itself you have to add the value of the least significant number the display can show! (Taught to me by an Mitutoyo specialist, wit an analog we can say if the value is above or below the indicated, not with a digital.)

Vernier / Dial
+ Works without batteries!
- Risk of parallax error


Magic - I never realised the height gauge feature, I've only been a 'hobby machinist' for 4 years - must be a slow learner!!
Thanks Joe.
